Tuesday, August 20, 2024

They Wanted to Do What?

Anthony Merrick was wearing headphones and staring intently at his computer monitor. He had made sure that no one from the station was looking over his shoulder when he started the playback. He noticed that he needn't have worried, the armed men, and he noted that there were two or three women with them, had herded everyone except him and Jennifer Graziano into an isolated corner of the studio.

What he was seeing, and hearing, was making him sick to his stomach. A Senator, a very senior Senator, describing his plan to overthrow the United States government, by any means available, to include violence. Hawthorne tried to sugarcoat things, to make his plan palatable across a wide range of the political spectrum, but the man was deluded. Only the most hard core leftists in the country would have ever accepted such a plan. It was insanity.

"Jen, tap into console 12, I'm going to play a video for you."

"Okay, Anthony, let it roll."

Alonzo Gutierrez was watching the facial expressions of the TV guy as the guy watched the video he'd provided. At first he had looked smug, as if thinking to himself, "What sort of crap have these far right extremists brought in?" Then the guy had sat up, a more concerned expression on his face. Now the man looked sick, he had gone pale, then his expression had assumed a worried, but thoughtful look.

It was interesting to watch this play out, Gutierrez thought.

The guy spoke to the woman sitting to his right, she had fiddled with something on her keyboard, and now her face ran through nearly the same gamut of expressions. She spoke to the guy, who looked up at Gutierrez and waved him over.

"This is my assistant news director, Jennifer Graziano, she agrees with me that this is some pretty heavy stuff, and if it's true ..."

Gutierrez stirred at that, "Hey pal, that shit's gospel. We went to a lot of trouble ..."

Merrick held both hands up, "I'm sure you think it is ..." Gutierrez bristled at that.

"Okay, you know it's gospel, but we still need to run a few checks before we can broadcast this. Do you have any idea how easy it is to fake these videos these days? My 12-year old grandson faked a short film starring John Wayne and Abraham Lincoln using software he downloaded from the Internet. Looked real as hell. We have equipment that can dig deep into this video and pretty much prove one way or the other as to its legitimacy."

"And how long is that going to take?" The guy he'd gotten the video from had explained all of this to Gutierrez. Said to expect this, but Gutierrez didn't want to stick around as long as that might take. The city was still under the control of its local government and police, he'd rather not get into a firefight with the local cops, nor spend the night in jail, or worse, while things were sorted out.

After all, the nearest Federal units which could assist them were a good two days away. He and his militia were on their own. For now.

"Any more news out of China?" the President asked. Nakagawa looked weary and disheveled. He knew that being an effective President took a lot out of man, but until experiencing it over the past few months, he realized that he hadn't know the half of it!

General Wurther nodded at the new Army Chief of Staff, General Herman Riedel, "You want to brief this, Herman?"

Riedel nodded, "Certainly, Sir."

Nakagawa didn't know the man very well, but he was highly regarded in the Army and by the other services as well. His career had taken off based on his actions in combat during the "Yemen Affair," as many in the press liked to call it, Nakagawa knew it was a war, everyone who had been there knew it was a war. Nakagawa shook his head, he was daydreaming.

Riedel had a map up on the center big screen display. Nakagawa recognized it as a map of the area around Beijing.

"Last we heard, Premier Liu's convoy was ambushed here," his pointer highlighted a spot on one of the roads to Zhangjiakou, "we've been getting reports from Chinese sources that Liu was injured, but we have no idea how badly."

"Her convoy did manage to destroy the ambushing force, then they linked up with a tank-heavy force here," again the pointer highlighted the map, "just south of Shacheng. That force has pushed on to Zhangjiakou. Reports there indicate that Liu was received by cheering crowds."

Nakagawa nodded, "What of Beijing?"

"Chaos, fighting in the streets, lots of dead and injured according to the Polish Embassy."


"Yes Sir, but it appears that the people have spoken. Rumors of Communists hanging from light poles, impromptu firing squads for former officials ..."

"The Chinese people are pissed off, aren't they?" Aspinall chimed in.

"You betcha, they are not taking prisoners." Riedel answered.

At 8th and I, LCpl Theodore Gentile was on duty at the only gate allowing access to the complex. There was a Navy sedan at the gate, with what appeared to be a Navy four star aboard. He'd given Gentile his ID and was patiently waiting. Unlike the last time an admiral had attempted to gain access to the Marine Barracks at 8th and I!

Gunnery Sergeant Jack Ermey approached the gate and asked Gentile, "This better be good Corp, I was about to go get some chow."

Gentile handed Gunny Ermey the ID card, then nodded at the Navy car parked just outside the gate.

Ermey looked at the ID and surprised Gentile when a smile broke out on his face. "Well, I'll be a sonofabitch. Keep the car covered,Teddy, leastwise until I can confirm the occupant is who this card says he is."

As Ermey approached the vehicle, making sure he didn't block Gentile's line of sight, the driver's window rolled down. "Hey Gunny, what's shaking?"

"What the hell has washed up on my AO¹? Admiral Whalen, how the hell are ya, Sir?"

Ermey snapped to attention and executed a perfect salute, still seated, the Admiral returned the salute. "Okay if I dismount?"

"Knock yourself out, Sir."

Gentile's jaw nearly hit the deck when an honest-to-God Navy four star in his service dress blues got out of the car and he and the Gunny exchanged a hug.

"Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face, Gentile!"

Still smiling, Gentile snapped, "Aye, Aye, Gunny!"

In nearly the same breath, Gentile said to the Admiral, "Good evening, Sir!"

"So Gunny, I need a favor ..."

"Ah shit, Admiral, Sir, last time you asked me for a favor they were picking Houthi RPG shrapnel out of my leg for a month."

"Yeah, sorry about that, but hey, they didn't kill ya, did they?"

"Damn near. Now bring that car inside Admiral, we don't want to block this gate. Then you can tell me what you need."

Though still unsure of the situation in China, and with no further word from India, Nakagawa had decided to put his head down. Again. After all, Aspinall had insisted, saying, "Tired leaders make stupid decisions, Mr. President, you need to get some sleep. If anything happens, we'll wake you up."

"Alright, but I want to be awakened immediately when you locate Admiral Whalen."

"Will do, Sir."

That had been nearly five hours ago. It was still another hour until dawn when Aspinall awakened him.

Nakagawa was instantly awake, he felt like he'd slept for twelve hours or more. He was refreshed. "What is it, Bill?"

"Sir, Admiral Whalen has returned, he brought a platoon of Marines with him."

"Do we need a platoon of Marines?"

"The Admiral thought that the security here at the Pentagon is lacking. Heck, half the people assigned here have yet to report back for duty. And honestly Sir, I'm not sure that the PFPA² could withstand an actual assault. They were understaffed before the shit hit the fan. Pardon my French."

"Okay, good. The Admiral should have told us before going off on might have been a wild goose chase."

"Yes Sir, but there's more news."

Nakagawa got a disgusted look on his face, "Now what?"

"A television station in Buffalo is broadcasting a video featuring the late, unlamented, Senator Franklin Hawthorne."

"Ah shit, what sort of propaganda is that dead asshole spouting?"

"Ain't like that Boss, it's pretty much a confession of everything that damned Silver Dozen was attempting to do. Overthrow the government, suspend civil liberties, initiate martial law nationwide, repudiate treaties, damn, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to cancel all paid holidays as well!"

"The same station is also broadcasting a brief explanation of how they authenticated the video. People are going nuts, half of the media has gone silent, the other half are all protesting, 'But we didn't know!' The people have spoken, and they are not happy."

"Well, I'm not sure what to say ..."

"You don't have to say anything, Mr, President, WGRZ 2 in Buffalo is telling the world the truth for you. Hell, if we had an election today, you'd be the unanimous choice for a full term of your own. Hell, you could probably get the 22nd Amendment³ overturned!"

Nakagawa frowned, "One thing at a time, Bill, one thing at a time."

¹ Area of Operations
² Pentagon Force Protection Agency. (See here.)
³ Section 1 of the 22nd Amendment:
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.


  1. Sarg, I really like the little details like SNIP

    "And how long is that going to take?" The guy he'd gotten the video from had explained all of this to Gutierrez. Said to expect this, but Gutierrez didn't want to stick around as long as that might take. The city was still under the control of its local government and police, he'd rather not get into a firefight with the local cops, nor spend the night in jail, or worse, while things were sorted out.

    After all, the nearest Federal units which could assist them were a good two days away. He and his militia were on their own. For now."

    As it shows the internal chaos of the America this story is living in. Not all chaos occurs overseas as AF Sarg knows well.

    Up there with the best of Clancy.

  2. " People are going nuts, half of the media has gone silent, the other half are all protesting, 'But we didn't know!'"

    Which would be complete male bovine excrement. They know., At least in the upper management. And I suspect that the talking heads at the local levels also know.

    Well done! Treat Muse to some biscuits and gravy, ham steak, sausage, eggs however she likes them, and good coffee.

    1. Of course they know. Any even incompetent attempt to overthrow the rule of law in this country requires the complete complacency of the major media. Especially a media that collectively is willing to outright lie and fabricate anything to support their side of the story.

      Worse, this outright urine-underfunded malarky has been going on with the media for at least decades. Looking at you, Dan Rather and CBS!

    2. Go back further, Walter Cronkite and Tet.

    3. The MSM is owned and operated as a propaganda generator by the cabal behind the curtain. After the last Presidential election the President had a press conference to talk to the American people, none of the licensed broadcast networks would carry it, NONE OF THEM! We no longer (in actuality) have a free press.
      All we have are blogs, "X" and some foreign press. Sad times.

    4. Once upon a time the network news programs were not considered money-makers. I think once CNN started the 24 hour news cycle some bean-counter realized that you could make money off the news. So the need to fill 24 hours with information and the potential to make money is what started the downhill slide.

      But yeah, they're not free and they're certainly not independent.

    5. Then there is always the New York Times and Walter Duranty...

    6. Oh yeah, the Pulitzer "winner."

    7. They know. We know that they know. They know that we we know they know. We're a knowledgeable nation.

    8. (Don McCollor) And remember Rathergate? Falling back to the position "fake but accurate"?

    9. An oxymoron if there ever was.

  3. Once the People find out about that video, wouldn't want to be anywhere near any of the supporters of treason. Most curious about events unfolding in Beijing and New Delhi Sarge.

    1. We'll get back to the Middle Kingdom and the subcontinent soon.

    2. Correction: Once the People find out about the video, a quarter will freak out and want the bad politicians to swing from the trees, another quarter will think it's real and support a slow and lingering investigation and then get bored and forget, a quarter will believe it's hookum and humbug but, well, that's how the media does things and they'll still support their side even though their side was the one trying to destroy the Constitution and the final quarter will willingly support the Silver Dozen or whomever is actively trying to destroy the Constitution and the founding principles of this nation.

      Just look at the People's reaction to the attempted assassination of President Trump. Or the Great Switcheroo of the Biden/Harris ticket (completely ignoring any caucuses and primary elections...)

    3. Remember our own Revolution, a third were for it, a third were for the Crown, and a third just didn't care. But Nylon12's point is still a good one. Those who care, really care and might do violence upon the traitors.

  4. OK, People part of the PRC seem to have spoken.
    Someone friendly to Nakagawa must have been working behind the scenes at that TV station, maybe that snake from CIA deciced to settle the debt of gratitude? Who knows...
    Now I want the news from India/Pakistan.
    I bet Indian PM took it quite personal when Pakistanis tried to kill her (along with whoever of government was inpalce)
    Polish embassy as a source is a nice touch, sometimes friends have best eyes on the ground...

  5. (Carefully reads story before commenting...)

    Man, I wish someone had that kind of video for modern day reality and had the reach and willingness to put it out there. The reaction now would be the reaction you provide: half silent, half claiming they did not know or it is fake or what have you.

    I am interested to see where the China situation goes. Even the Communist revolution there took four years after WW II.

    1. Once burned, twice shy, neh?

      With a battered Republic trying to get things back in order, India and China are headaches Nakagawa doesn't need. But they're there and might have to be dealt with.

    2. Mao and his merry band of murderers wouldn't have gotten as far as they did if FDR hadn't cut the legs out from under the Nationalists.

      As to East Asia vs South Central Asia, crazy times. Even today, crazy times. China's military really is assed up over India, and India's military is really assed up over China. I fear the next conflict will not be conducted using fists and boards, but with live fire and destruction. (Though it's funny, in a dark and twisted way, to think that Bollywood style slap fighting is more powerful than Chinese Theater 'Kung Fu' and other Chinese martial arts. Seriously, who knew jumping up in the air and slapping someone would work so well?)

    3. Can't blame FDR (though he is guilty of many sins). You can't believe how incredibly sick the American people were of war in 1945. "Hey, we beat the Germans, who cares about Asia." was pretty much the mindset of Americans. And precisely how could we have assisted Chiang Kai Shek (aka "Cash My Check") in 1949? Our focus in Asia was defeating Japan, then going home.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. You crossed the line.

      Last warning.

  6. Your Muse inspires me, in a Dickensian way:
    "The orphans at the workhouse are starving because of their cruel treatment. They cast lots to decide who will ask for more gruel for them all, and Oliver is chosen. At evening supper, once the gruel is dished out and eaten, Oliver goes to the master and famously says, "Please Sir. I want some more". He is then branded a troublemaker and offered as an apprentice to anyone willing to take him..."

    So, asking on behalf of everyone, "Please Sarge, I want some more."

    Michael's assessment as "Up there with the best of Clancy." is spot on.
    John Blackshoe

    1. I'm starting to really get into this story, my enthusiasm for this almost matches what I felt for Almost a Lifetime. (Which I really need to get my ass and get published. Many of my current projects are "on hold" until I retire, which is why I set an absolute date for that.)

    2. Long's I'm concurring on statements; your first in parens is one your absolute best! GOYA ( not the painter, the acronym). I,for one, could even forgo the current tale - good as it is - to see OIAL in print. The fact that the good guys are now prevailing in this one does not lessen the fact that it's a trifle too au courant.
      Boat Guy

    3. I feel ya. I shall endeavor to do the best I can with the time I have. (Which ain't much lately.)

    4. Time... that pesky job keeps getting in the way of the important stuff doesn't it?

    5. It does!

      (Even though the work is interesting and it pays the bills.)

  7. Also agree with the best of Clancy comparison. Good political, social and military story.

    I was kind of worried that Admiral Whalen would be with the wrong side and trying to stir up trouble. But anyone who could make a Gunny smile and hug, well, except for that backstabbing weasel-schtupping Mattis, must be on the side of God and Country.

    1. Not a Mattis fan are you? Well, neither am I. I'll try and work some of Whalen's backstory into the tale. He's growing on me.

    2. Sign me up in the "not a Mattis fan" club.

    3. At least he was better than Milley! Although that is not saying much...

  8. I am really enjoying this story! I am looking forward to tomorrow's post, as a birthday treat! ( As long as it isn't COLUMBIA and WISCONSIN rose to 100 feet, in their respective oceans, and commenced launching at 0345Z ).

  9. I like having a Gunny named 'Ermey' in the story, if you know what I mean...

    Overall this is a solid story, and quite engaging!

  10. Hey OldAfSarge;
    Really like the storyline, your muse is working overtime and it is really looking good. And yes I ain't a Mattis fan either and Milley should have been cashiered out of the service along of a few others after Afghanistan debacle.


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