Friday, August 9, 2024

What List?

Once again the concept of a "Honey Do" list arose here in the comments. While I am familiar with the concept, The Missus Herself does not make such lists. If there is maintenance required around the house, I usually know that before her. If not, she will alert me to the issue. Then we work together to address it.

She does not think up things for me to do, I do not think up things for her to do.

It's the way we've operated for nearly 48 years together, neither one of us sees that changing in the near future. Maybe it's because she's Korean and Korean women seem to have a greater sense of independence. (For instance, the wife handles all of the household finances, and I do mean all.)

So please, no more mentions of "honey do lists," we don't have them, we don't do them. Though on occasion I will lift things she cannot manage without pulling multiple muscle groups ...

So, in the immortal words of Forrest Gump ...


  1. There was a slight adjustment to having that payday go from every two weeks to once a month but since the credit card bill got paid off every month not much of a change. Spending was always scrutinized. Grocery store visits were off limits on the weekend though. Nice to have that short term goal Sarge, how many days now?

  2. Proverbs 18:22

    New International Version
    He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.

    New Living Translation
    The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.

    Ya done good Sarg!

    She will keep you out of debt!

  3. Perhaps the concept needs to rephrased.
    In your future (quickly approaching!) retirement, YOU may detect and resolve more maintenance and beautification opportunities than in the past. May they all be enjoyable, not oh dark thirty plumbing issues.

    1. There are always things which need doing. My plan is to not to have things "directed by higher."

  4. Sarge, I have not been responsible for actual spending for years, other than managing the retirement account (and that pretty much now means "Meet with the financial people every so often". My job is to earn the money (fortunately, my wants are generally small).

    In terms of labor, it is largely by division of tasks. If there is something out of sorts that cannot otherwise be managed, one of us will alert the other.

  5. I think the list is just standard trope for retirement talk. No insults intended of course. We don't have a honey-do list, just a long list of stuff that needs to get done by somebody!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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