Monday, August 12, 2024

Doing the Waltz (-1 for Spelling)

 Well Campers, it certainly has been an interesting few weeks lately, hasn't it.  Well, if you find terrifying as a synonym for interesting.  But one specific incident did bring an interesting story out of the memory locker.

This story begins Mid-July 1990.  I'd received orders to report to Fort Leavenworth KS from the best assignment of my USAF career (AKA Flying the F-15 as you probably realized from numerous other posts on the subject).  Don't quote me on the numbers, I mean it was 30+ years ago, but I think there were about 15 USAF officers in the class of several hundred Army folks.  Yes, there were a handful each of Navy and Marine officers there also.  Our job was just to answer questions and explain why the command and control of operations was the way it was.

In any case, we reported in earlier than the Army folks did because we had to get through Army Kindergarten.  (Learning Army Terminology, Command Structures,  Regulations, Strategies, Tactics etc.)

It was interesting.  Since virtually all the USAF folks were aviators, the only female USAF member was an AWACS back ender.  (She did a fantastic job of explaining why the AWACS was a battle enhancer.)

So, we've been there a couple of weeks, settling in, doing some study and then August rolls around.  Specifically, Aug 2.  We're in class, when one of the USAF Enlisted  busts into the classroom and informs the instructor to turn on CNN as Saddam (may he roast in Hell for all eternity) had just invaded Kuwait.

Dead silence as the TV came on.  Then several versions of "Holy Feces" were uttered.  Needless to say, the conversation started as to what we thought the US would do.  Because it was summer and most of the classmates had family with them and needed to get settled into housing, deal with movers etc, Class would let out at about lunch time and they'd go home to deal with that.  Couldn't do that once the formal schedule started.

In any case, as soon as class let out,  the pilots in the group went straight to the SRO's  (Senior Ranking Officer) office and asked to speak with him.  

We had all reached the same conclusion, this might be our only chance at war. The war we'd been training for our entire career so far.  We felt that doing what we'd learned how to do would serve us and the Air Force better than sitting in a classroom watching CNN.

The SRO was very sympathetic (he'd been a fighter pilot also), but the answer was "No".  He'd already been on the phone talking to the personnel higher ups (he was very wise, knew instantly what we would be doing when class let out).  The personnel wienies were adamant, "Stay until graduation, then we'll see where we assign you!"


Source (Read the source, I knew most of the pilot's mentioned by name in it.)


Now, was I nervous about going to war? No more than sitting 5 minute Air Defense alert at Osan AB ROK.  We would regularly get a No-Notice Practice scramble.  The klaxon would sound, we'd have no knowledge whether it was a practice scramble or a real one. We'd jump in the truck, race out to the jets, jump in, fire up, taxi out and blast off.  It wouldn't be until we were airborne and were given the code word for practice that things began to shake.  But, it was our DUTY.  If the other code word had been transmitted, the Master Arm would be armed and we would do what was needed.  That's what we were trained for, but it's also something I'm grateful it never was required.  Would I have done it, I certainly think so, might have trouble sleeping afterwards, but, again, it was our DUTY.

Now.  we've got a candidate for high elective office that retired before his unit was deployed to the Gulf. First, if he'd have had qualms, he should have resigned before the Klaxon went off, not when his troops were readying to deploy.  He didn't.  That's bad enough.

There is quite a bit of "he said, she said" going around about whether or not, in recent years, he's claimed that he went to war in Afghanistan.  He never went in-country, he supported it from Italy. but if he made the statement that he went to war in Afghanistan is confirmed...Well, we'll have to see what rolls out of all this, but that's a very damning charge for someone who wants to be Vice President.

Late to the fight, found this here:

As I said, "Pretty Damning".

John Blackstone got me to thinking about "my Eagle".  Here she is before getting all "Dolled Up" by NASA.



Peace Out, y'all!


  1. But it's a national crisis that Trump may have gotten two black politicians mixed up in his memory of something that happened 30 years ago.

    I wish Big Corporate Press awas as diligent at parsing every syllable, jot, and tittle of the words of Big Ds as they are about parsing Trump.

    1. Joe,
      It may never have been true that the press was neutral, most likely not. But deep in my memory I seem to recall that they weren't so blatant about not being neutral now. Not sure how to deal with that problem. But I no longer subscribe to a newspaper and spend very little time on news websites especially when they seem one sided and are vehement about providing that support.

  2. AF Sarg, a bit of interesting history. Seems the "Smart Money" always knew the Great Depression was near. Exactly when is snake oil but clues were there. I *noticed* last quarter reports show as I follow Buffet that his fund is at historical levels very cash heavy, selling major parts of long held stock.

    Who ran against Herbert Hoover? You know the guy BLAMED for the Great Depression?

    Some Democrat named Smith. A nobody before and a nobody later.

    What avowed Democratic Socialist became President Roosevelt. You know the fellow that stole American family's gold assets (as no FDIC insurance banks back then failed you LOST your money) to FUND the "New Deal" and was SO POPULAR they amended the Constitution to allow a 4th Term as we were IN WW2.

    Who ran against Trump? You know the guy BLAMED for the Chaos of America's Bankruptcy and Greater Depression?

    Some Democrat named Kamila. A Nobody who used sex to get her political employments.

    What Avowed Democratic Communist will rise to power To Be Announced.

    Democrats know their History and can do the LONG GAME to win big later.

    However, there is a wee problem that Modern Monetary Theory seem to not GROK 35 trillion debt plus an additional trillion or so every now 80 days per GAO. Some 70% of the taxes Americans paid covers THAT Debt again from GAO.

    BTW History shows MMT isn't "modern" nor a theory as its basis was created in France just a decade or so before the French Revolution. Seems creating money out of nothing and beggaring the professional and middle class didn't last long back then.

    Something about "Let them eat cake" if I remember popular history.

    I pray I am wrong, but it seems very likely given our massive debts and loss of American dollar value overseas.

    War is often a nice distraction from national problems like MMT debt, but history isn't kind to nations that tried that distraction.

    1. Michael,
      A lot of truth there, my Friend. Amen!

  3. Timmy is the gov of my, I didn't vote for him and I've read enough info from his fellow members of the ANG about how he ended his service to say Nope....Nope....Nope to this guy. Thanks for flight photos of the Eagles juvat, nice way to start a day........ :)

    1. Nylon,
      My sympathies are with you. Hopefully, MN has term limits so there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'd prefer that light not be a result of election results in a few months.
      Hang in there!
      I do have a strange affection for that airplane, for some reason. ;-)

  4. I ... he's my governor, too; didn't vote for him, won't, and wonder why he and his bride took their honeymoon in China (before Tiananmen Square, I would have wanted to do so, I admit) and why there have been (reportedly) over thirty more trips there. I haven't been to Yellowstone nearly that many times in the last fifty years. Who paid for those trips?

    1. HTom,
      Again, my sympathies. I can understand one trip to China, it does have a fantastic history, but thirty trips? I don't think that's touring related. I'm sure his reason will be "encouraging Chinese investment in MN" and not something more. Right?

  5. Juvat, thanks for sharing the story.

    While I never served and thus feel myself unqualified to comment specifically on that aspect, one of my measures of people is how the handle the truth - especially when they were near important or critical events but did not participate in them. The degree to which they have to explain how they did not do something (but did in their mind) tells me a great deal about their commitment to the truth in general.

    1. THBB,
      My pleasure. Those scrambles were as close as I got and none of them were actual, not practice. I am very grateful for that, but...those guys in the second picture's source article were much the same mindset as mine. They were just in a different place when the "Feces hit the oscillating breeze generator".

  6. If those two get elected, we are doomed.

    1. I'm afraid that's quite likely, unfortunately.

    2. Jeez Moriarity! What's with the negative waves so early!
      Boat Guy

    3. They won't get elected, but there's a good chance that due to even more chicanery they'll be installed.

      By the way, the Governor of Georgia has openly apologized to President Trump and the rest of the USA for the boondoggle of their elections that helped install the Slo Joe and the Ho and the mess of the 2022 elections. But both of those elections were the cleanest if you believe what the eneMedia says...

    4. Boat Guy,
      Sorry, but those conditions and the results will be horrible.

    5. Beans,
      Yeah, that's the part I'm concerned about.

  7. I was with Soldier's Angels and, in my opinion, any officer that runs out on his men is a dirtbag.

    1. No disagreement with that here.

    2. My experience with Soldier's Angels in Germany led me to respect them immensely; thank you!
      Boat Guy

    3. BTW I think you're insulting dirtbags; in this case "coward" is more appropriate.

    4. Dirtbag dittos also for any senior NCOs, not just commissioned officers who do that. Poxes on all. But, to skip out on a pending deployment in order to be a politician running for office just confirms the individual is genuine dirtbag. Of course, many politicians are dirtbags anyway, even without dodging military duties.

    5. Boat Guy,
      Interesting, I hadn't heard about Soldier's Angels until today. Looking into that. Thanks for the lead.

    6. JB,
      I think it would apply to anybody in a leadership position who takes the job for the "glamour" and then runs when the feces hits the fan. I met a few in my second career as a teacher/tech support in the local school district. A disappointingly large number of them in the district. Granted it wasn't the majority of them, just more than I expected. For those who were, their movie projectors seemed to need maintenance and my availability took longer than some of the other teachers. I still wonder why. :-)

  8. Sorry that you didn't get to fly in the GW. Must have truly sucked, like being drafted for a major league baseball team and then spending the season on the bench waiting and waiting and never actually playing. But more frustrating than that.

    As to the potential VP selection, there's still time, plenty of time, to replace him before the DNC convention. After all, it's only money. And said DNC and the media will tell us the truth.

    Funny about VP candidates, JD Vance went to an airport where Kamala was waiting on her plane for the motorcade to whisk her away. He spoke to the newsies who were waiting to catch an elusive glimpse of the current VP. And stole the show. Seems she didn't exit the plane until the motorcade was there. She didn't speak to the media.

    And apparently her rallies, going by pictures the eneMedia are posting, are huge. Until you analyze them and see they are clearly poorly faked.

    Helluva world we live in.

    As to Wahl himself, I have read absolutely no positive information on him. I have read "he fills a spot" style articles, but none actually praising Tampon Tim (because he forced Minnesota schools to put tampons in the mens' bathrooms...) So Biden gets selected for VP for Obama because he doesn't threaten Obama at all. Biden gets nominated and they select Kamala because she's no threat to Biden (what a low threshold of achievement that is.) And now Wahl gets selected to be Kamala's VP because he can't threaten her performance. So... mathematically, 1 is smaller than 2. 0 is smaller than 1. And -1 is smaller than 0. Where Obama=2, Biden=1, Harris=0, Wahl=-1. What an achievement in life to be known as 'not a threat' to a complete loser.

    Maybe I'll just say nasty things about the London (England) government so I can get arrested and extradited to said London so I can sit the whole thing out.

    1. Beans,
      Should be interesting if the British Gummint tries to deport an American to stand trial for a violation of their law. I think the following should come into play.
      "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    2. Or, well, we shoot the tyranny's jackbooted thugs straight in the face. What's that line from the successful failure of Bunker Hill? "Don't shoot until you can see the whites of their eyes." That one. With modern optics, that distance can be up to 2,000 yards...

    3. Fortunately, they didn't work to well at about 150 yards last month.

  9. Just to help Juvat's youthful exuberance, we need to remind him of what is going on with his old rides. Not sure if he had any stick time in this bird, but no one else will ever again. F-15C transferred from MASS ANG to the excellent New England Air Museum.

    Don't feel bad, all my ships were turned into reefs of razor blades years ago.
    John Blackshoe

    1. JB,
      Thanks for the idea. See Updated post. My Chariot is now there.

    2. My beautiful USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a range tracking and information ship, of which I got to tour 2-3 times during my stay at Kwajalein (as a kid) and where I fell in love with Greek olives and they also had fresh milk, is an artificial reef. Sigh.

    3. Beans,
      I think the Vandenberg might have been the ship, my Mother and I sailed on when we joined Dad at Okinawa. Mom didn't enjoy the sail very much though.

  10. Teachers salary allow for IVF treatment and at the same time two flying and staying in China. Wow! What amount of salary does MN pay their teacher? Or they are eating rice and beans for most meals. Something does not pass the smell test.

    1. I suspect a two-tiered payroll. A high tier for those who toe the line on teaching the "NEW" doctrine and a lower one for those who actually teach the students Math, History, English, Reading. You know, the stuff that actually teaches you skills and useful stuff.
      Just sayin'

  11. It has been 58 years now and I still remember the emotions an alert stirred. Our alert rally point was Campo Pond outside Hanau, Germany. Several areas of fairly flat sand (at the time), a finer airborne drop zone would be hard to find. Driving out we would look to the sky to see if Ivan was coming to visit. I had no doubts then, and now, we would have fought.

    1. WSF, times were a bit different back then, weren't they? Funny, when we'd drive from our quarters down to the alert station, we'd look at the sky also. It's not required in modern aircraft, but being able to see the bad guys is frequently helpful. But the radar and the radar missiles will do quite well even in those conditions.
      As you say, we would have fought.

  12. He's definitely a Blue Falcon. Nuff said...

  13. An Eagle driver told me that one leg got longer because of the yank and bank during maneuvers over his career.

    Also, Lee Carson, a friend I lost touch. He flew the F-15. He would be 64 now. Does the name ring a bell?

    1. Rick,
      I don’t know about leg length, but my neck is a pretty good indicator of weather changes, also due to turning and burning

      Your friend was 5 years behind me, and my Eagle tour was only 3 years and was my last flying assignment, so it is unlikely we crossed paths. More’s the pity!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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