Wednesday, October 16, 2024

12 October 1492

The Last of the Clan
Thomas Faed
Uh Sarge, what does 12 October 1492 (the date Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas) have to do with a painting of Scottish Highlanders sometime after the lost battle of Culloden and the failure of the 1745 rebellion against King George II?

Well, your Old AF Sarge always gets a little wrapped around the axle around this time of year. Especially since a group of guilt-ridden white people in some places decided to change the name to Indigenous Peoples Day, or something to that effect.

Those folks in the painting? Yup, indigenous, to Scotland. If I still lived in Scotland, I'd be indigenous. But I don't, so I'm not.

White people guilt also got the name of where I lived changed, from Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, to just Rhode Island. Plantation, according to Merriam Webster, means ...

Note the delicate wording in definition 3b, "resident labor." I suppose they mean "slaves" which is no longer politically correct to use or say, the preferred term now being "enslaved peoples." Kinda like calling a woman a "birthing person." Odd innit? Or maybe that's just me.

No doubt the same folks who were up in arms about the word "plantation" were also the ones who gave us the Washington Commanders and the Cleveland Guardians. I do know a couple of First Peoples type people who preferred the old names for those teams. (First Peoples is a Canadian thing, far more accurate really, what some call "indigenous" didn't actually evolve here, but they did get here first, so First Peoples makes sense on some levels.)

Don't get me started on the word "Indian." Yes, Columbus thought he'd found India, hence that word (indiano or indiana in Italian, indio or india in Spanish, not sure what it would be in Hebrew or Yiddish, if Columbus was actually Jewish. Just kidding, you can look that up, Google Translate has the word in both Hebrew and Yiddish, but I think it means Indian from the subcontinent, not from the New World. Google was not all that clear on that).

All that aside, I remember AIM, the American Indian Movement, native peoples up in arms over the screwing they received from the European settlers of these lands. Well okay, the descendants of the people who got screwed over by the ancestors of modern day settler/colonists.

So here's something to keep in mind, ever since Cain slew Abel, people have been f**king over other people. It seems to be something in our blood, in our DNA if you will. If we don't have something, and can take it easily from someone else, we do. The Americas were not a bunch of peaceful, nature-loving, groovy people just chilling before the Europeans arrived. No, they were like people everywhere, fighting wars, taking stuff from their neighbors and despising the "different from us." (That being one tribe hating another, like the Sioux versus the Crow, or the English against the French. That goes way back.)

Imagine what might happen if we make contact with an intelligent, space-faring species someday. They might wait until we're space-faring, or they might not. Who knows what (if anything) is going on "out there."

Maybe some species from another place is driving others off their worlds and onto other worlds. If they're technologically more advanced and are anything like us, be worried, they're going to take our shit, man, trust me.

Besides which, after the Bering Land Bridge people arrived, the Norsemen were next. Columbus was third, at best.

Why should he get a holiday at all?

Just curious.

As always, YMMV.


Author's Note: One of my nephews did some digging around in, seemed to have discovered an "Indian Princess" in the family tree. I wrote about that here. I rather have my doubts about that "finding" as his research completely missed an actual person in the family tree, the one for whom my father was named. This fellow. So I won't be claiming any indigenous cred for this continent any time soon. I'll leave that to the Elizabeth Warrens of the world.


  1. My calendar still uses "Columbus Day USA".........he must of had a pretty good PR firm at one time...... :)

  2. I ask the Perpetually Offended Obnoxious People, "What laws did the Europeans break? Plexe cite the statutes and state the issuing authority." Also point out that the early European settlers seem to have followed the same laws as the Indians did - "I"m tougher than you, so I'm taking what I want."

    I'll grant that they were well and truly forincated by the US government, "OH! We didn't know that there was (fill in mineral) there, so we'll just change the treaty."

    Any more on forms that request "Race/Ethnicity" I've taken to checking "Other" and, if able, writing in Celto-Slavic. HEY! If Asian and Pacific Islanders get 87 choices, and there are 18 categories for Latin/Hispanic (which, ironically don't include Spanish, Portugee [Every Portagee I know says Portagee, not Portuguese], Italian, French or Romanian), I get to "identify" as Celto-Slavic representing my heritage. I also complain as obnoxiously as I can that there is no National Slavic Heritage Month, and how RAAAACist is is that Slavic Peoples are ignored and dismissed in this o, so racist nation.

    1. When commanded to enter a "race" on a form in Basic Training (49 years ago), I entered "Other." Was told that I had to state what sort of "Other," I entered "Celt." Training Instructor was unhappy, I told him what that meant. He accepted that as a real thing. I didn't put "Celtic" as I didn't want to confuse anyone not from New England.

  3. Good times create soft effeminate DO GOODERS (in their fevered minds oft enough) that begat times O' Trouble that begats some, (read MUCH) troubles later harder MEN that create good times.

    Even after Rome fell those that DO go on to DO and Build.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

    Robert A. Heinlein

    But it always sucked to be a slave with chains forced upon you OR willing accepted for FREE Shit aka GimeDats.

    “It is difficult to free people from the chains they revere.”
    ― Voltaire

    Sheeple DO LOVE their chains so lightly on them.

    You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.

    Robert A. Heinlein

    Apparently even in Heinlein's time Trump Disorder Syndrome or its similar was around.

    1. The mentally ill have ever been with us.

    2. Yes, but the life of the "Village Idiot" used to be harsh, short and brutal. Often starved to death if not safe to use as mere mule work
      Today it's celebrated, promoted, DEI'd (or deified perhaps) and they BREED like rats.

      We get what we tolerate. I have an older farmhouse and anti-rat work is always ongoing to keep them reduced to a minor annoyance. Red squirrels the wire chewers the same.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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