Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Random Thoughts on a Rainy Monday¹

Fair Use
In the photo above, we see USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) coming down the Kennebec River from Bath Iron Works, heading towards the Atlantic Ocean. According to my sources, the event above occurred on September 7, 2016.

The map above (and below) depicts part of the Kennebec River, that above shows where Bath Iron Works sits in relation to where the opening photo was shot. On the map below you can see the distinctive curve of the waterway flowing into the Kennebec as USS Zumwalt is about to pass down the river with Fiddler Ledge on her starboard side.

It's a lovely photo of the Maine countryside with the mist upon the waterways. By the angle of the sun, I'd guess it was early morning. (Also one of the more likely times to see fog upon the water.)

I can't find the original source of the photo, I got it from a buddy at work, but it's an awfully pretty picture, innit?

I have mixed feelings about the three ships which make up the Zumwalt class. Though they have provided me with gainful employment for the last twenty plus years, the fact that it's been twenty plus years kinda sticks in my craw. Should it really take that long to design, build, test, and deploy a modern warship?

My gut says, "No, it should not." But having been in on this project from the ground floor, I've seen a lot of changes made over the life of this contract (multiple contracts really) not all of which made sense. Let's just say, if you ask the Navy what they want, they'll tell you. They might change their minds eighty-eight times, but at least you should have a pretty good idea of what they want.

Thing is, too many decisions were made by folks who won't ever be on those ships. Too many decisions were made by people who have never been on a warship. Nor had any of them ever worked on, operated, or seen an actual combat system.

You read that right.

When you read, or hear, of a government project going off the rails, there's a reason. Usually it's letting incompetent/inexperienced people (sometimes both) make critical decisions.

But hey, throw another billion dollars at it, that'll fix things.

Sigh ...

Retirement beckons.

¹ Written on Monday, published on Tuesday.


  1. "the fact that it's been twenty plus years kinda sticks in my craw. Should it really take that long to design, build, test, and deploy a modern warship"
    Stuff like this makes me think that "they" don't really give a rat's solid waste evacuation orifice about the results. The only concerns are keeping their jobs, keeping their political patrons happy, and keeping the backers of those political patrons happy by funneling huge government contracts their way.

    Top photo....on my phone at first I thought it was some post-WWII submarine running on the surface.

  2. "An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications"
    Some observations about said mouse...
    1. What does the elephant sized mouse do?
    Nothing constructive, mainly just sit around and look unique.

    2. How do you keep an elephant sized mouse fed?
    Feed it A LOT of what ever it eats, this particular unique sized mouse eats money, LOTS and LOTS of money.

    MSG Grumpy


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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