Friday, October 4, 2024

Worn Down to a Nub ...

Winchendon, MA
I grew up in New England, so I'm kinda partial to the place.

Now I've lived in Japan, Korea, Colorado, Nebraska, Mississippi, and Germany. I've also spent lots of time in Texas, California, Virginia, Louisiana, and Maryland.

Texas doesn't really count though, all my time there was spent in Air Force training. Didn't get out much but traveling through Texas I had some awesome BBQ at a roadside place in Junction City.

But I, being born and raised in New England, expect to spend my twilight years here as well. If I can pull that off and The Missus Herself doesn't veto that plan. Oh well.

Clyde, The Rocking Horse
Winchendon, MA

That rocking horse above, yclept Clyde, no really, has been a fixture of Winchendon, Massachusetts since I were nobbut a wee lad. The original was getting kinda weathered, so rather than lose that singular attraction, the town fathers had a new one built, the spitting image of the original, which still exists in storage, somewhere.

Now I've been driving past that attraction for 25 years now, it's on the way to the Homeland of Vermont/New Hampshire. I hope I'll be seeing it for a few years to come.

We shall see.

Damn, that's all I've got? Yup, didn't sleep well this week, allergies are acting up, got a low grade sinus thing going on as well.

So sorry folks, short rations today. Anyone care to ID those two guns in the opening photo?



1 comment:


    Spanish bronze rifled gun mounted on a wood carriage. Dolphin carrying handles, royal cypher of King Charles IV of Spain.
    Royal cypher of Charles IV (Carlos Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno José Januario Serafín Diego; 11 November 1748 – 20 January 1819) was King of Spain from 14 December 1788, until his abdication on 19 March 1808.

    German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. unknown). In front of the War memorial.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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