Monday, October 14, 2024

Family and Friends

 Not much going on around Rancho Juvat, lately.  

 So my posting material might be getting close to Rock Bottom.


However, this past weekend made up for some of that. We had a semi-Family Reunion.  Obviously, Little J, LJW and Miss B couldn't make it from Jolly Old, but MBD, The Rev, MG and Leon' made it from East Texas.   In addition, some friends of there's from College joined up with them after escaping the Houston Jungle.  They stayed in our two guest cabins, did a little out and back to a few wineries and joined us for dinner where war stories were swapped. Yes, Beans, the red BS Flag was thrown a few times.

At the start of the festivities, we met the gang on their arrival at our favorite restaurant in the 'Burg, El Milagro.  For those of you who don't speak Spanish, that would be "The Miracle".  For the first several years we lived here, our go to restaurant was "Rather Sweet".  Primarily this was because it was about 5 doorways down from our wine store.  Which was about the max distance we had energy to travel after a busy day.  The  business was actually a restaurant and a bakery and was owned by Rebecca Rather, a somewhat well known baker. The food was good, the baked goods outstanding.

But, she got a bit tired of it and sold it at a deep discount to a group of Hispanic ladies.  Ms Rather also included all her baked goods recipes in the deal.  So the new restaurant has excellent Mexican dishes, great sandwiches and fabulous pastries.  I heartily recommend it although my Cardiologist has a few comments about the relationship between it and I.

Anyhow, that's where we met the gang Friday.  Did I mention that El Milagro has a very nice patio and a band that plays on weekends.  

MBD and MG fooling around

What the heck are those two goofs doin' Gramma?

Just Goofin' Round

Not a lot of mind enhancing conversations, but a lot of good smiles and laughter, so well worth it.

Finally on the woodworking side, I'm working on a couple of projects for the two eldest grandchildren.  Mrs J came up with the idea.  Basically it's a book box.

 She bought 25 Christmas related books for each of them which she'll individually wrap.  She took the measurements of each to figure out the dimensions for the box and ensure the books all fit.  The grand kids will be authorized to unwrap one book for each day in Advent to have read to them.  That should keep them occupied and hopefully focused on Christmas The above model was my "Practice" one, but turned out good enough to use it.

Why Maroon, you may ask.  Well...Since both sets of parents are from a small university in College Station TX, they are encouraging them early to go there.  

Yes, Beans, Texas A&M.  I didn't go there, but I'm very happy with the way my Kids turned out and think it likely my Grand Kids will turn out well there also.

As I said, been busy and not many earth shattering events happened this week, so you get what you get.  Hope to do better next week.

Cheers and Peace Out Y'all!



1 comment:

  1. Hey juvat, few earth shattering events is good thing, life is mostly dull, mundane events. It's the exciting earth shattering events that cause problems. While the heart docs frown on it, bakery products ain't a bad way to go......... :)


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