Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Not Feeling It ...

Just don't feel like being creative today. Suffered through an annoying stomach bug over the weekend, a short one mind you as I had to work Friday last, and Monday was, well, it was Monday, wasn't it?

I may have kicked off The Revolution series a bit early, thought I was ready, turns out I'm not. I really need to reread John Galvin's The Minute Men: The First Fight: Myths and Realities of the American Revolution before I get deeper into the events of 1768 up to 1775. Thought I had that still in local memory, turns out it isn't.

I might even read David Hackett Fischer's Paul Revere's Ride before I continue. I'm just not in the right frame of mind to really go crazy with this story yet. But I have sketched out a few characters to begin with. So I've got that going for me.

Ah well, enough of that ...

Something that often surprises me is the amount of hatred I see for President Abraham Lincoln out and about the world wide web. Tuna left a link to a YouTube video on Sunday which I only watched part way before turning it off in disgust.

Lot of hatred for Old Abe in that video. I get the fact that the man did a lot of things that a lot of people back then (and now) didn't (don't) like. Now the way I see it, he saw his job as preserving the Union. He did that job. Did he do it well? As I see it, the Nation is still a going concern although there are a great many (some holding office in DC) who would like to tear the place down. So in that light, he did his job and he did it well.

It was the aftermath that didn't go so well and you can't blame Abe for that. After all, he was assassinated just six days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox. So Reconstruction wasn't his fault, any number of malodorous politicians can take "credit" for that fiasco.

Lincoln wanted to "let 'em up easy," he knew that in order for the United States to recover in all its parts that the North couldn't be lording it over the South. Which is exactly what happened. The effects of which can still be seen and felt 159 years after Lincoln's death.

So why such hatred for the man?

Enlighten me. (Remember, be nice and have your sources available for examination.)


  1. That picture has more color than we have in NH.

    Canada in the Halifax area even less than NH.

    Drink plenty of water and bland food friend.

    We'll be here waiting for the Muse.


  2. Fred in Texas, Lincoln was a Yankee control freak that thought he could mandate that the south 'gonna mind'. Ain't gonna happen... You cannot mandate freedom out the hearts and minds of men once they develop a taste for it. Same as a dog that kills livestock... You cannot successfully fill the empty spot in a man's heart with anything but God. And that you can only do if he's free to make his own decisions. In short, I am firmly convinced that Lincoln was the same as our current crop of democrat and republican politicians and operatives. The best man I ever knew said it best, "By their fruit you will know them". And his fruit was that of a forced relationship. Nowhere in history has a forced relationship kept an empire intact in the long run. But few world leaders understand history and the duty of man...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here in Sonoma County we have a few trees that turn to the reds and oranges, but most go from green to yellow to bare, or just green to bare. Hills are a nice toasty gold.

  5. Fred in Texas, I grew up on a small farm in east Texas. There's only one cure for a dog that chases and kills livestock. Sad, painful and unavoidable. I've got the mental scars from it... Same as freedom. The only way to cure freedom is to kill the free man because once he tastes the joy of autonomy he'll accept no substitute. I've got scars in my resume and life from freedom but I cherish them because it makes me who I am.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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