Monday, September 16, 2024

Mac and I

 One of the things the Army Command and Staff College taught me about being a shoeclerk (a USAF nickname for a Fighter Pilot stuck in a desk job) was to have the "Bottom Line Up Front" (AKA BLUF) on any staff paperwork.  That would allow the decision maker to know what the issue was and what the recommended action to take was, without having to spend a lot of time reading through reams of paper to find those issues.

So, here's the BLUF for this post.  Mrs J's PET Scan came back clean.  No residual cancer seen.  She'll have to repeat the scan a couple of times a year for the near term future, but... Good News!  Thank You, Lord!

Thank All Y'all for the prayers for her also,  VERY much appreciated.

This past couple of weeks, I got a chance to get familiar with the MOHS procedure for dealing with skin cancer.  Dr Mohs was a German physician in the 1930's who developed this procedure.  It involves scraping skin off the site, looking at it to see if it contained cancer cells.  If so, scrape off more. Repeat until the bastiges are all gone.  Worst part about it is the numbing shots.  And the stares in the supermarket.  I just mumble something about my wife and her steak knife. They tend to leave me alone at that point. Other than that, I'm past round three. While you're reading this, I'm seeing him for round 4 which I hope begins with "We don't see no stinking cancer, juvat, you're free to go!"  

Hey! A man can dream, can't he?

Now, on with the show!  I think I mentioned a while ago that I was unhappy with Microsoft's decision to make Windows 11 store all data in the cloud, and that I was changing platforms.  Well, I said it, I meant it.  My MacBook Pro arrived and is pretty much all set up with the usual suspect programs, albeit Apple's version thereof.  This posting is my first attempt at actually using the new computer.  We'll see if I make it through.  

So far, so good though.  

 First Attempt at embedding a video on a Mac.  That would be Leon' and MG playing hide and go seek in the kitchen.  If that doesn't get you chuckling, well....

In an attempt to keep myself busy, I've been working on a relatively easy project for Miss B, Little J and LJW's daughter, also one of my GrandDaughters.  Seems when a child is born in Texas, a certificate certifying that the Child is a "Native Texan" is produced.  It's kinda cool, so I thought I'd build a frame for it to be hung on her wall in Jolly Old England.  Just in case the Brit's get uppity about who's who  and what's what.


Bit of Walnut, some very careful angle cutting to make the corners come together, a bit of sanding and staining and Voila'.

Hey, it keeps me off the streets at night.

And...finally, as I was out in the workshop this morning (Sunday), working on her project, I heard a large metallic screeching sound.  Opened up the door to the shop (yes, it's still summer, the door was closed and the AC was running) and saw this.


Awww, nuts!  The gate was laying on the ground, the top hinge was broken off, the arm on the gate opener was broken off also and the gate itself was bent on the hinge side.  Guess I'll be discussing things with my "Gate Guy" today.  It's always somethin' ain't it?

So, lot's of things going on round here, but it helps keep me off the streets at night, so can't be all bad.

And, as promised the after action report on the new computer...Using the MacBook wasn't too bad, but getting photos inserted may take a little bit of figuring out.  (I did that from the PC.  Blogger doesn't seem to like HEIC formatted pictures which is the format that comes out of my iPhone when I hook it up to the Mac.and I haven't figured out how to import them to Blogger in HEIC format or transform them to JPG on the Mac.  Any hints from readers out there would be very appreciated.)

Other than that....

Peace Out, Y'all!




  1. BLUFF

    1. Congratulations on the successful MOHS.
    2. Congratulations also on moving away from Windows. I still use it, but under protest as there are some programs that only work under that environment. Expect to get 10+ years of usability on the MacBook. I can still run one from 1999.

    Regarding HEIC format on the iPhone, you can change the rendered format to JPG:
    1. Open Settings on your iPhone.
    2. Open the Camera app.
    3. Open Format.
    4. Select Most Compatible.

    Good Luck and Best Regards,

    Zoomie Brat and Retired Ground Pounder

    1. ZB,
      Thanks, that worked like a champ!

  2. I am pleased to hear that your battle with is going well. We need as many woodworkers as we can get.

  3. Excellent news on Mrs. J and prayers are still in the rotation for you sir......... :) Got to get that gate all fixed up, need something to channel those zombie hordes when SHTF eh juvat?

    1. Nylon,
      Thanks. More concerned about the Great Pyrenees than zombies. They’re now only one fence away from reeking death and destruction on the bovines/goats/sheep in the general vicinity.

  4. You do know that dueling scars should be on the cheeks, not alongside the nose. Just sayin'.

    All that being said, good news on the medical front.

    1. Sarge,
      True, but I’m gonna hold that comment close. Don’t want the Doc to get any “artistic” ideas today.

  5. Wish I'd have thought of the Native Texan Certificate of Birth when my Grandchildren were born. Not that they need a document to remember their place of birth, as I drive that point home to each of them regularly.
    And "Well done!" on Mrs. J's scan results as well!. Hope you get the desired "You're free to go" after your appointment today.

    1. Cletus,
      Yeah, it is pretty cool. I'm of the brand "I wasn't born here, but got here as fast as I could" variety, and the state I was born in has got NO chance of me ever advertising my birth there.
      Thanks for the vote of confidence. The Doc took one quick look and turned me over to the nurse to have the stitches removed. I'm good to go!
      Still got the shiner and the scabbing though.

  6. The story about your skin cancer? A shark is always a good answer....

    1. Rob,
      Shark? or Snark? I'm good with either, better with the latter though.

  7. Great news on Mrs. J, and pretty good news on you too! Huzzah!

    I had not actually realized that there was another format for pictures for Apple Products - I have downloaded pictures to my computer and uploaded them from my phone with no issue.

    I will be interested to hear about the Macbook. I am no fan of windows and will at some point need to replace my current Windows 10 unit (the have not forced me over yet, but they still keep vigorously suggesting).

    1. THBB,
      Yeah it was a simple fix once I learned where the menu was hidden. Zoomie Brat was very helpful in his directions. Took about 5 seconds to fix.
      I'm learning a lot about the Mac and the more I learn the more I think I made the right decision. Lots of good youtube videos to find out how to do the "cosmic" stuff also. Very helpful.

  8. 1. Pet Scan results? Yay and thank the Lord. A new spot in my rosary has opened up so tell her thanks.
    2. Hide and seek- thank you for the wonderful laugh this morning, which I needed after...
    3. MOHS! Yikes- are you sure it was Dr. Mohs surgery and and not Dr. Mengele? Haha. The healing is always ugly. I like how they folded the repair into the natural crease of your face so it'll pretty much disappear and not be very obvious.

    1. Tuna,
      1. Yeah, that took my BP down quite a bit and my 4AM wakeups have been quite a bit less frequent. Again, thanks for the prayers, much appreciated.
      2. Leon" is quite the humorist. Looking forward to seeing him grow.
      3. Yeah, he'd done the first round on the other side, it was a smaller growth, but he did the same technique. You can't even see the scar, it's right in the crease. Hopefully this one works as well. As I mentioned above. I'm good to go, no more scraping, at least in this go round.

  9. Great news about your boss.
    "Never sneeze when using a straight razor " is a good line to use towards the curious.

    1. Joe,
      Yes, it is. I'm quite happy.
      I'd bump that line up to Excellent status and plan to use it.

  10. Well done, Mrs J.! Schedule clear now for fun wine and family events instead of doctor visits. Make the most of it.

    I've heard that pilots are at higher risk of skin cancer due to being exposed to lots of sun at high altitudes before some of the harmful UV rays get filtered out by the atmosphere. So, check with the VA for service connected disability for degraded studly fighter pilot visage.

    So, we got gate problems this week, but no mention of plumbing issues, so we can assume that is all water under the bridge or something like that. Good to only be dealing with a minimal number of issues at any one time.
    John Blackshoe

    1. JB,
      I'd heard that also, didn't believe it at the time, but.....
      Yeah, our refrigerator calendar has had events on the majority of the dates over the past year or so. I thought retirement was supposed to be relaxing. Hopefully we're entering that phase. We'll see. Minimal issues would be wonderful.

  11. Happy to hear Mrs. J 's scans came back clean. Please consider my OL was diagnosed and operated over 30 years ago (BRACA1), annual scans, as well as other exams, clean every year since
    At the tender age of 3½, I swore religiously (on a stack of OTs) that I would never cover my head, which found me some 24 years later driving under summer sun from Manhattan to Bay Shore with the top down in a TR4 (very light Czech skin and bald) to spend every weekend on the sand; this in pre-PABA days. Today, some 55 years later, my dermatologist checks me over (all of me) every 6 months for melanoma and takes samples of questionable possible carcinomas (with scapel and sutures) from areas I exposed all those many years ago (Ve get shmart late).

    1. Boron,
      Thanks, Yeah, the flight cap didn't produce much sun protection and they were prohibited on the flight line (FOD), so I wasn't much of a hat wearer either. They got that time travel capsule built yet? Mrs J is pretty obstinate, if a bit late, that I wear a hat outdoors. I do quite a bit, but it's not ingrained completely, yet. This episode might have added a bit of encouragement however.

    2. I burned out 60% of the vision in my right eye because I was too cool for shades. And 2 cancers removed from forehead. I now go out with sunglasses and a hat everywhere.

    3. Beans,
      Now, sunglasses, those I wore pretty religiously. They were issued, looked cool and kept your eyes safe. And when I started needing glasses, the USAF would also make prescription glasses. I ended up flying with those glasses and not using the visor. Two layers over the eye made airplanes quite hard to see. Not a good thing.

  12. BTW, if I saw you in a supermarket, I'd remark (soto voce to my OL), "His MMA instructor must really hate him."

    1. That would definitely bring a chuckle.

  13. I never played hide and seek like that back in the day, but I have to say that this New Rules version works for me.

    1. Timbotoo,
      I'm not sure I understand that comment, sorry!

  14. Ah, the dreaded MHOwhatever. Got two, one over each eye. One looks like Zorro did it, clean, can barely see it. The other? Zorro's epileptic brother going through an alcoholic recovery while hooked up to a paint shaker.

    As to the gate? Yeah, my dryer no longer dries, the brand-new a/c handler is puking on the floor and I can't get the outside drain clear... So I know what you are going through.

    1. Beans,
      We'll see what the final product looks like. As mentioned earlier, the other side is pretty well hidden. Hopefully this one does also.
      One of the interesting facets of teaching in a small town is you get to know your students. When the gate broke on Sunday, I went in and called the guy who had originally installed it. Who was also one of my students. Got his voice mail, explained who I was and what had happened and asked to be put on his schedule as soon as possible. I got a call from him at 0710 this morning. He asked a few questions and asked me to text him some pictures. He called back around lunch and asked if tomorrow would work to get started.
      I said yes.
      Gotta love it!

  15. Great news on the missus... For converting pics, open the HEIC in preview, duplicate it, then save the duplicate as a .jpeg

    1. Thanks Old NFO, I’ll give it a shot

  16. Great news on Mrs J! Nice pic., you handsome (?) dog. I just did the MOHS procedure 4 months age, inside corner of left eye, missed the tear duct and nose. I was fairly fugly for a week or so. They did the 2 stage procedure in one visit. The Nashville VA subbed it out to Vandebilt University Medical, I'm a happy camper.

    1. TreeMike, thanks for the compliment. Fortunately, my face this morning looks even better than in the pic above. Not that its looked great even on a good day. ;-)

  17. It looks like all of the old farts herein established have have the Big C of the Skin. So I will tell of my history as well, but first congrats on clear scannings and thingees for the lady. It feels so good to know that the Lord is at work, looking over us. My Miss Jeanie is now active and mean as ever after the heart attack thing in July. Now everyone (scanning carefully our coverage limits) is thinking of galbladderizing her. I had it - piece of cake. No pieces later, however, IYKWIM. Enough!
    I have the same facial scars that you will have on both sides of your nose. Two of the eight MOHS I've had. BTW, going in Friday for more cutting on ear lobes.That government we flew for sure did a number of numbers on us in this category!!
    I bought my first Apple product right after my TI 99/A and some heavy metal box called a KayPro that ran C++. I purchased an Apple||. I remember sending birth announcements out when I was able to purchase my second 5" disc drive. Apple ever since. My first Mac was a game changer for me. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Sorry I've been distracted of late and not keeping up.

    1. No worries, Lt Fuzz,
      Just glad you and yours are doing well. I wonder if the mask we wore while flying had something to do with the surgery location.

      I’m starting to like the Mac, just got to figure out/remember how to get to the desired menu location. The folks here have been very helpful and I appreciate it.

    2. The mask thing is an interesting thought because we wore them all the time. Except of course, when we were air to air refueling when we let the Gibb take over, go cold mic, and took the masks off to have a cigarette or some thing.

  18. Juvat:
    1) Congratulations on Mrs. J's clean PET scan!!
    2 ) There's nothing sweeter than baby belly laughs!!
    3) I'm glad you're finished with the MOH procedure for this round!!

    Now you & Mrs. J can hopefully relax and enjoy the fall weather, which will eventually show up!!


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