Sunday, September 8, 2024

Whaddaya Mean You're Taking a Day Off?

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So here's the thing, woke up this morning, feeling fine, had another dream of ...


Been dreaming a lot lately, maybe my brain's clearing out space for retirement, I don't know. But I've been pretty inward focused lately.

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I often wonder what it would be like if it all ended tomorrow. It's been a long ride, but it ain't over yet. Life has been extremely good to me, yeah, I'm blessed, as the saying goes. I take each day as it comes, enjoying the moment as it were.

Miss my kids, miss my grandkids, I've been able to see all of them this past summer. Haven't had the chance to see Big Time though, he's at sea, probably will be until next year some time. Might be his last deployment, I lose track but I think he's got just a couple of years until he retires. Good kid, I miss him.

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As you might have guessed, no fiction today. I gave The Muse the weekend off, I think she deserves it. I think we're getting close to wrapping this series up. It's been fun, but I can't keep stirring crises up around the world. Besides, real life is stressful enough, yeah?

At least in my fictional world the good guys always win in the end. If you're of a religious bent (as I am) you know that the good guys will win in the end, right?

God is no loser.

Be well, be back to wrap this up later. Enjoy the weekend.



  1. Rest and reflection is a God thing. 7th day.

  2. Aye Sarge, a good day to give thanks and kick back. That brain needs to idle a little and today is the day...........:)

  3. I'm somewhat awestruck by those who can turn out stuff worth reading on any kind of regular basis. Or even on an irregular basis, but will produce + pages, from short story to 1,000 page tome every few years. I'm hard pressed to turn out more than 2 pages of fiction before it falls apart. The good sisters who taught me through 9th grade would not be amused.

    Even your ruminations, such as above, are interesting.

  4. Your time off is well earned, so enjoy!

  5. The good guys win? From your fingers to God's ears. Enjoy your Sunday. My best to Lush for holding down the fort as a Navy wife.

    1. Always, in the end. Sometimes it takes a long time to get to the end though and many innocents suffer along the way.

  6. "Clearing out the mind for retirement". I like that thought Sarge; the idea of someday being able to not "have to know" a great many things about my current position and industry and replace them with history and philosophy and great thoughts of the pass is seductively attractive.

    The kid thing is hard. Years ago I came to understand that it was highly unlikely we would live anywhere close to any of our children - not because they hated us (I hope, anyway) but because they would simply have lives that took them other places. I am not sure how we will negotiate that when it truly comes to pass (two still in college, of course), but I suspect like you and She Who Must Be Obeyed, it will involve a lot of travel for her and some travel for me. (Unless someone moves somewhere really cool, like Greece or Japan. Then I may relocate).

    Good guys winning...yours is the second thought this morning that reminded me of a number of Psalms where believers (Jews at one time, Christians as well now) that the plans of the wicked ultimately fail. The fact that this has come up twice in one hour means it is probably something I need to think on more.

    Happiest of Sundays!

    1. Being a military family, with the kids going into the family business, as it were, we always expected this. Thank God at least one isn't too far away.

      Have a great Sunday, TB.

  7. Sarge,
    Enjoy the day off, you deserve it.
    As to retirement, have things you enjoy doing at the ready. I enjoy woodworking, keeps my mind engaged, keeps my skill set sharp at fixing things and gets me out of the house. My current run-in with health issues has taken a bit of that away and somehow Microsoft Ultimate Word Games doesn't fill the bill. Hopefully the appointments I've got Monday and Tuesday will take care of the problem and I can resume my "Work".
    Keep up the good work. I think the book is turning (Turned, past tense?) out quite well, so well done.

    1. I have a huge list of things to do, I'm starting to get antsy about starting. (Read more, write more is on that list.)

      Prayers up for the health of your family!

  8. Please make sure your muse is well rested. Your tale is very engaging. I sometimes read your daily missive two or three times over the course of the day just to ensure I've caught all the players and action for the day (plus it's entertaining). Your writing is reminiscent of Tom Clancy.

  9. Yeah, impending life changes do definitely mess with one's head. Remove the very stability of a day-to-day existence and it gets weird.

    As to the world, at the End of Days this world will fall to The Morningstar. It will be nice in Heaven, but it will be hell on this earth. God's not supposed to be directly involved in this world, but The Fallen One definitely overtly acts on this mortal plane. But enough about dark and evil times.

    Here's hoping good things come your way.

    1. One last gasp for evil, then an eternity of bliss.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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