Monday, September 23, 2024

The Moons of Jupiter


Finally, What, juvat?

Well, maybe, just maybe, the moons of Jupiter are in alignment and the events of the past 11 months are behind us.  



 Off topic, but I thought this was fairly interesting and aligning The Moons of Jupiter kinda rang a bell.  Watch or not, I'll be waiting here.

Our last episode related Dr visit is Wednesday with the radiologist.  We then fall back to our normal schedule with our GP.  A yearly PET Scan just in case and visit to the specialists if called for.

Just to put the whole episode in Fighter Pilot understandable terms.  The last 11 months on the calendar had a minimum of two doctor visits a week on every one of those calendar pages.  Thank you Medicare and Tricare for Life!

Just got off a video chat with Little J and gang.  Nothing catastrophic, just an update on what's what and watching Miss B goofing around with her toys while causing her grandparents to respond with great bouts of laughter.  She's 2 1/4 YO and seems to have made the change of station with no real problems.  The Nanny had passed her testing requirements to move to Great Britain, which will allow LJW to begin working and that will take a lot of stress off.

Speaking of video chats.  I still have a hard time believing in the communication technology improvements made since I was stationed at Kunsan AB, ROK.  Called home to talk to my Folks and get over the "Deployed for Christmas" blues.  10 minute call cost me well over $100, which back then was a significant chunk of a 2LT's paycheck.  We goofed around on this video call for well over an hour.  Cost us?


Ain't Technology grand

Oh and Beans, Miss B and I had a contest.  The goal was to see who could drool the furthest off their chin before it broke and fell.

Poor Girl never had a chance!!!!

On a serious note.

One thing that did come around and impact the way of living round here while Mrs J was sick, was the "What If?"  What if something happened to me while she was in the hospital or at home by herself?  No good answers and I spent a good amount of time in the middle of the night trying to figure out answers.  Our nearest family members are in College Station a couple of hundred miles away.

Fortunately, nothing catastrophic occurred, but...

We're going to start doing the research/planning to move to that area sometime early next year.  Lot of balls up in the air that we'll have to figure out how to handle.

I found this tutorial quite handy in taking care of the Balls in the Air portion of this project.

And, Yes, Beans. This post was completely written, edited and visually enhanced on the MacBook Pro.  Think I'm gonna go take a nap!

Peace Out Y'all!


1 comment:

  1. That's one very interesting first vid, always good to increase one's knowledge base, even at this time of the morning....... :) Encouraging to read that a yearly scan is in the offing juvat, I'm two years into my every six month scan of the lungs for the first five years after surgery. Yah, lots of research and prep for that move, Someone close by is a Good Thing.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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