Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Summer Has Fled ...

Mt. Ascutney
Windsor, Vermont
OAFS Photo
Fall has arrived, summer has fled and it seems that the warmer temperatures have gone with it.

We turned off the air conditioners on Monday, as they are dual purpose (cooling and heating) they will not come on until the real cold sets in. For now we can get by with the heating provided by the sun during the day, such as it is. It's around 68° in the house now, moments before sundown on Tuesday. Tolerable.

Took The Missus Herself out to the aeroporto on Tuesday, she's off to visit LUSH for a fortnight. The timing for us works, the timing for LUSH works. The Missus Herself is looking forward to seeing Lush and her kids. Big Time is at sea and will probably be there for another few months.

As for me, this is the last season of the year where I will be employed as a wage slave. Subject to the whims of the government and the mutterings of the higher ups. Will I miss it? As I've said before, I'll miss most of the people I work with and certain aspects of the job, Beyond that? It's time to hang up the cleats, as it were, I'm tired and don't feel like playing salaryman any more.

Oh well ...

The Muse is still on vacation, I have no pressing stories to tell, not even any non-pressing stories. A couple of ideas have bubbled up, but I can't summon the energy to pursue those ideas. Not just yet anyway.

Where will my writing go in the next few months? I can't say, there is much to do between now and December, work wise. Time to train my replacement, time to ease my way out the door.

It's going to be an adventure.

Then there is November, I view that month with a great deal of trepidation.

Will the Republic live on?

I have my doubts, but one thing is sure ...

God is still in charge.

That's where I place my hopes.

Stay frosty.


  1. Getting ready to pull the pin Sarge, brought to mind that song title....."Changes"....... :) Good Family Time for The Missus Herself and the grandkids will be happy to have Grandma around for a bit. More and more political ads are showing up on the tube.......(sigh)

  2. Retirement half the income, same bills and for the spouse twice the intrafamily time.

    My beautiful wife and I work part time and have to do all the yearly recertification.

    Happily they'll pay for it as work requirements.

    You seem to spend a lot of time in my area. Leaf changes can be pretty.

    Time of the year to put the gardens to bed for the winter.



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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