Saturday, September 21, 2024

What in the Wide World of Sports ...

Over the past few days I've noticed a puzzling phenomenon here at the Chant, page views, they're climbing like an SR-71 on steroids. Okay, I think I'm a decent writer, but going from an average of 1,500 to 2,000 views a day to 16,000, and climbing, something is broken in Blogger statistics land, methinks.

The last 30 days of page views (below), not the climb profile of that SR-71 on steroids.¹

Now I could be wrong, I've seen these insane blips before ...

The chart above is for all time, from the blog's inception back in March of 2012, until now. We're averaging roughly 50,000 views a month, now we're getting that in a couple of days. In fact, if the chart from January of last year until now was an ECG, I'd say the patient was having "issues." 

Of course, Google, the proprietor of Blogger, or Gargle as I like to call it, likes to tinker with their software. Plus, I hear they're very woke. Things is they don't mind damaging their product, nor apparently their reputation among "serious" people. They're rather frivolous to my mind.

But hey, makes me feel like a "real" writer with a real following. (But 15,000 hits a day with maybe 300 views of the day's actual post? Something isn't adding up.) But it boosts my morale and when it goes back down (as I think it inevitably will), I won't lose much sleep over it. Note that I didn't say any sleep, hey, I'm human, I like flattery.

That's about all I've got for today, it's been busy for a day off. CT Scan in the morning, downloading software to the new laptop the rest of the day.

But an alert reader sent me a link to a very good video addressing that whole "the Mosquito can replace the four-engine bomber" concept. Pretty much reinforces my own views on the topic.

And because the Mossie is one of my very favorite aircraft (I'm sure it's got nothing to do with those two Merlin engines) here's some in cockpit Mossie footage. A beautiful bird regardless of whether it can replace a big bomber or not ...


¹ Or it could be just a normal SR-71 full afterburner climb after takeoff. I watched those birds on Okinawa climb virtually straight up in to a clear blue sky and be gone, invisible, after a few seconds. Impressive indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Increased views recently......postings of an insurrection in the USA.......hmmmm.......more Feds visiting.......:) I'm sure there's more legitimate reasons for the page view increase Sarge. Thanks for the vids, the flying choice was brilliant!


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