Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Red Pill Has Some Side Effects

I haven't gotten very political recently, not that I haven't had strong opinions and feelings, but I sometimes get weary at hearing myself.  As does my wife.  I follow many like-minded blogs or websites, media companies such as the American Thinker, The Daily Wire, Turning Point USA, Matt Taibbi, and Mil-blog sites such as Commander Salamander, Borepatch and others.  We are all screaming down a wind tunnel, all with the same thoughts and ideas about where our country has been and where it is going.  I've tried to watch others, but I detect / detest the leftist spin in every single story.  I often feel that I am unable to change any of it, so my periodic koobecaF or Insta posts and shares are a tiny relief valve for me.  Sarge is also gracious enough to allow me the space here to pontificate a bit more than a brief social media post will allow. 

The the thing about those posts, my likes and shares, is that it is a permanent record of my beliefs and strong opinions against our totalitarian-trending state.  It's not hard totalitarianism, they aren't coming and arresting me for what I'm saying, but the minders in in Mountain View California*, those little birds and ears of the government, are watching what I say.  And their algorithms put me into a special category of people who might be of concern¹, ones who are not supportive of events that are taking place.  Instead of a Gestapo-like secret police, they are the soft gatekeepers of access.  They can shut down what I say, blocking posts, maybe slowing my internet, shadow-banning me, and maybe someday blocking off my access to online banking, throttling down my ability to live in a digital world.  We can say that will never happen here, but it already is to some extent.  "You have violated community standards."  I wouldn't have thought Britain would jail people for saying things, but it's happening daily at the same time they are not arresting people for actual egregious crimes. 

Did you know that if you play video games and either shoot up a crowd of non-player characters, do anything violence near a school, or fly an airplane into a building, you are automatically put on a watch list of sorts?²  

You may have heard what happened to former congresswoman and current Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi Gabbard.  She was put on a special watch list for the airlines that forced her to receive extra special scrutiny when flying.  Probably because she went against the mainstream liberal narrative.  Probably?  Most definitely because of that.  And when questioned, the FAA and the Department of Homeland security have clammed up, eliminating any evidence of who did what, or clearing any name associated with the order.

The assassination attempt?  There doesn't seem to be any interest from the media in finding out about who visited his house four times, and also visited the FBI headquarters in DC.  Or any journalistic curiosity about how his social media was slicked, or how he developed a remote detonator.  Was it a massive overreach when 20 agents in riot gear broke into a Catholic family man's house at daybreak to arrest him for pushing someone away from his son near a pro-life demonstration?  Absolutely, but the evil are in power and is no way to defeat the Department of Justice when they are backed by the media and judges.  Yes these kinds of things are illegal but no one seems powerful enough or strong enough to stop them, and not every case can make it to the supreme Court.  They are the Brown Shirts of today's generation.  Reagan foretold how we can lose our rights in a single generation.  And going to a mostly digital world makes it even easier for them to deny us our rights and our freedoms.

Am I ready to cut the cord and get completely off of social media? No, not yet. We will see how things go in November, which will be very telling about the way our country is headed. Even if the conservative pick gets into office, he may not be able to stem the tide in the single term he will have.  It would require a large swath of the justice department to be culled from the herd.  Deep staters run deep and it may not be easy to find them, and even harder to loosen their grip.  A strong AG not from DC proper, new directors of the CIA and FBI, again not from within, might be able to make a difference.  We will also need the entire legislative branch on our side.  The rest of the woke mind hive will have to be put on notice, and freedom loving Americans will have to call them on their sins, and be not afraid of their tactics, pushing back and maybe even protesting.  Watering the tree of Liberty you might say.

If things don't go our way in November, it might be time to run and hide, and be grateful that I have exercised my second amendment rights.  Have you seen that meme regarding weapons and what they are for?  It was similar to this:  A pistol is for self-defense.  A rifle is for hunting.  An AR-15 is for tyranny, and our collective ownership of them of them is for lots of tyranny.  That's not exactly how it was laid out, but you probably get my point, and I didn't want to post it- no need to get Sarge in trouble!

Is that far fetched? 10 or 15 years ago I might have said yes, but since then we have been lied to about a vaccine that is killing children and weakening our immune systems, observed massive 2:00 a.m. election fraud, and seen our media abandon its role as the fourth estate (an independent press) to begin electioneering for the preferred and formerly hated candidate that they are told to prefer, despite what the voters want.  Do you want more? How about that completely open border, after which these illegals are allowed to get a driver's license.  One month later due to motor voter laws, they are able to vote.³  So I don't trust the DC elite at all anymore.  

Anything else?  Well there's the blatant buying off the youth vote by illegally promising to provide student debt relief. Did the supreme Court rule against it? Yes they did, but the administration is still doing it.  How about our President being in China's back pocket?  Can anyone say actual impeachable offense?  

I could go on, but I am again getting tired of hearing myself speak as it were.  What's a man to do?  I will continue to pray for a return to true servant leadership.  And if I lived anywhere else than California, I might volunteer as a poll watcher, but this state is too far gone to ever vote for its self interest.  I will also follow Juvat's voting rubric.  How about you?  Any recommendations for me?  My sanity may depend on it.

Until next rant.

*Silicon Valley 

1 https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/11/06/new-government-spy-report-your-social-media-is-probably-being-watched-right-now/

2 https://theintercept.com/2024/03/09/fbi-dhs-gamers-extremism-violence/

3 https://nypost.com/2024/06/14/us-news/how-non-citizens-are-getting-voter-registration-forms-across-the-us-and-how-republicans-are-trying-to-stop-it/

4 "My voting rubric is No Democrat, no Incumbent, no unopposed."

0⁰ 1¹ 2² 3³ 4⁴ 5⁵ 6⁶ 7⁷ 8⁸ 9⁹


  1. You win the InterNets for today Tuna, Revere and the others that rode that night weren't shouting "The Deer are out! The Turkeys are out!" The Colonials had the same weapons of war the British regulars had, one shot muskets. In my state Timmy signed a law last year authorizing illegals to obtain drivers licenses /ID cards. juvats' voting rubric it is........ :)

    1. Oh, I wouldn't go that far, but thanks. I just found time to organize my political-based anger/fear/frustration into words that sound coherent.

  2. Well said.

    I equate BLM with Mao's Red Guards and Antifa with the Sturmableitung. Same methods, same goals.

    More chilling to ne us something on San Francisco news about 8 years ago. Some coos were found to have privately exchanged texts that their bosses determined were "racist and homophobic " and they were sacked. The SF Chief Law Enforcement Officer said that they only want "right thinking individuals" on the force.

    1. Did you know that the VP's "be unburdened by what has been" word salad is actually almost a direct quote from Mao? Its was led to his elimination of the 4 olds. She's an absolute marxist.

    2. So is the whole "Joy" mantra that she spouts. Very Maoistic. Which makes it very scary.

      Of course we had that guy who ran on "Hope" and "Change" and promised to fundamentally change the US, and he did. Bastid.

  3. The insane, the evil, the criminal, and the abysmally stupid are in the pilot house and are driving us on to the rocks. Is there no end to this madness?

    We live in frightening times.

    1. That's my fear as well, and while I pray for a better helmsman, I wonder if we're too far down stream for a course correction.

    2. We certainly live in "times", Sarge. Our forefathers lived in those kind of " times" as well. We have their example to live up to and their blueprint to follow; they didn't have the latter.
      The surveillance state is everywhere and they can - likely will - shut us down; at that point all we can do is look to our own neighborhood and family.
      At that point, all I can say is "Thank you, my brothers and sisters; see you on the other side, God willing"
      Boat Guy

  4. Area Ocho had something to say about that:


    If your goal was to destroy the United States of America, how would you change anything done so far?

    Pretty soon the "Gaza Solution" will be to ship angry Palestinians into America so Israel can own all that precious oil under that open air concentration camp. Yes, I've BEEN there seen the wall and check point Charlie. Been to West Berlin and saw that there also. Been to Dachau and seen that also. All the same vibes.

    Seems to have "worked" for Haitians, eh? Not so much American Citizens though.

    1. What's going on is straight out of Marx, Rules for Radicals, and a globalist playbook. But they don't realize that a weak USA is a weak earth.

    2. Oh yeah, you're still stuck in my much beloved San Diego (me, there, 1951-2015). You sound like my YOUNGER brother from another mother, ideologically. Being younger, you just haven't gone far enough down the Soros, WEF, NWO rabbit hole, yet. The Agenda is to destroy America, the last bastion of Western, Christian, morals and ethics. (((They))) want to cull all but 500 million ish useless eaters for a "sustainable environment" and have enough "service people" for (((Them))). (((They))) have to warn us of their plans (cosmic law), if we don't collectively withhold permission, then they can proceed with their wicked (for us) plans. The Georgia Guide Stones was PART of their having to message us, also Soros book "New World Order", they've laid it out clearly.
      I used to worry about "the lists", but now my on line tag, on other sites, is Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn, because I speak "Crime Think" out loud. Now a days I'm not so worried, since 2016, even sheeple have been waking up, with the stolen elections, covidiocy lock downs, school closings/shootings, small business/restaurant failures, inflation, etc. Then there's veteran and combat veterans that have figured out that we were throw away pawns for evil corporate, political, deep state parties to manipulate for power and fun (evil gratification) and wealth confiscation.
      My evaporating IQ's aren't helping put this down in succinct sentences, but you get the idea. Oh yeah! not worried because they are creating pissed off normies, veterans and citizens at an ever increasing rate. Yours and my "value" in Al Gore rhythmic priority goes down daily because of the newly fired up red pilled folks coming on board and on line. So, no worries, oh wait you still need to worry, you have family and responsibilities and you're way deep behind enemy lines. Fortunately, compared to areas north of you, there is still a fairly high percentage of conservatives in San Diego and county. You want me to check on friendly bug out sanctuary in east Jamul? They're good Christians, on well water with 60 ish acres. I'm sure you'll be answering, you're like that (in a good way).
      P.S. We're not trying to convince others, we're reassuring them there's no shortage of like minded folks out here. From Tennessee, The South Shall Rise Again! Now, one of the least wayciss places in the world.

    3. Mike, thanks for the comment. Too many good points to respond to though. Appreciate the bug-out rec., but Jamul isn't far enough out! Not that I'm making any plans, but I'm good.

    4. Jamul could be a rest and assess stop, surface streets to Hwy 94, no freeways. Frequently the nearby country side is much safer than "town", vibrants n sheeit. The offer stands, not time sensitive. I REALLY hope we can preserve civility.

  5. Spot on!

    I have been investing in precious metals, Jacketed hollow points and semi-wadcutters specifically.

    1. Sound investment. I pray it never has to pay off.

  6. Tuna, I have pretty much abandoned social media as a poster. I still follow it for purposes of keeping up with activities of friends and family, but that is (now) literally it. Reason one is simply that there is no purpose in offering up reasons, as it were, for increased attention (although I am reasonably sure I am on someone's list anyway). Reason two is that no actual useful discussion happens, at least on the major social sites I follow (X seems a bit different, but I do not venture there). No one is convinced by a Book of Face or a InstaPic Meme of the rightness of an article.

    If you have not read it, I might recommend Live Not By Lies by Rod Dreher. In it, he talks about censorship and persecution as it was practiced in Eastern Europe under the Cold War and offers insight into how those "dissenters" (we would call them Christians, philosophers, and conservatives now) made their way in such an environment. Vaclav Havel, Czech playwright, dissenter, and president of the Czechoslovakia/The Czech Republic is also a good read in general.

    1. I know I can't change minds on SM, but I do enjoy the occasional banter back and forth with those willing to engage. I also enjoy countering some of my idiot lib friends with salient facts. Speaking of Live Not By Lies: https://invest.angel.com/live

    2. "I know I can't change minds on SM,"

      I know that I won't change the mind of the person to whom I am responding. What I hope to do is influence the fence-sitters.

    3. Or plant a seed in the weak minds of some of them.

  7. It will be quite a while before there can be a societal change. First the school industry must be reformed. Too many people have been indoctrinated to believe that the State (government at any and all levels) is there to Do something! and Fix Things! and is made up of omniciat beings who Know What's Best for us. Along with that, far too many believe that they can vote for bread and circuses in perpetuity with no cost or consequence.

    If the conservative candidate wins in November look of the civil war that was started in 2016 to heat up again. I think we will have riots that make the ones from 2016 to 2021 look tame, and again have senior members of both houses of Congress calling for more riots,.making death threats against members of the Supreme Court, and calling for physical attacks on the members of the administration.

    1. The whole Department of Education needs to be abolished, torn down, the ground salted and, well, you get the drift. If a few egg head marxists are broken in the process, well...

  8. A more constitutional DOJ can help- arrest those who are breaking laws, weakening institutions, bring them up on charges of treason, corruption, fomenting insurrection, etc. to put some fear back into those who think they can act with abandon. That can help and might be a good start.

    1. Sounds like a good plan but I'm not holding my breath until...
      Good post BTW.

    2. Thanks. Unfortunately I have a lot of material.

  9. Agree. Well said. I guess I'm on the list now too.
    Pray for a fair and honest election in November, and favorable results.

    1. Oh, I'm sure it'll be unfair, but overwhelmingly? I pray not.

  10. (htom) What can I say? Concur in pretty much all. In the far future, as long as the United States of America is remembered, the assassination of JFK (and LBJ's "assuming command") will be marked as the beginning of the end of the USA.

    Oh! Who is running against "the current cabal that's taken charge" -- it's always that time, after all.

    1. The growth of the welfare state after the 1964 legislation is the key piece of that long slow fall, but it has been accelerating.

  11. They own the MSM, they own the schools (teachers unions), they have a huge organized/armed strike force they do not mind using to advance what they want and it's happening all over the "west". It doesn't look good...

    1. Remember the words of CAPTs John Lawrence and JPJ- Don't give up (the ship), and I have not yet begun to fight.

  12. It truly is bad out there. I remember paraphrasing Roy Batty's final lines from "Blade Runner" when the stealection results came out, and people poo-pooed my dire feelings of losing this once-great country. Why once-great? We can't even build a functioning warship.

    It's so bad out there that if you show a picture of a garage pull rope, it becomes an FBI investigation and the whole world shuts down, yet if you froth at the mouth about shooting up a school for years and are a known problem nobody does anything about it (and when your politics and social life choices become available, suddenly you disappear from all media...(we've seen this with pretty much every school shooter.))

    It's so bad that it has almost become impossible to hear one piece of actual truth on any news broadcast. Like, really, if they tell me it's raining outside I actually go to the door and open it and most of the time it isn't raining at all. Same during torrential downpours, most of the time the weather reporters will report 'clear skies' or 'intermittent showers.' And that's not just local weatherguessers, it's NOAA, which is obviously some secret code for 'We will lie to you and you will believe it.' And these are the people telling us we have to fundamentally change our lives because the world is melting or something and in a 100 years the weather will be completely different.

    And the rot has sunk in to everything once good in this world. I love the old Catholic Church. The new one, the one that takes money from poor Americans and uses it to import illegal aliens to take poor Americans' jobs? The one that excommunicated ArchBishop Vigano? Yeah. No.

    Libraries, once great temples of knowledge and learning and fun have become socialist mind control centers.

    And the people in this country that want to be left alone, want to pray, want to eat what they grow or have some choice in what they eat are now considered 'weird.'


    I don't think we'll be able to pray or shoot our way out of this.

    1. School shooters that were already on the FBIs radar. It's like they know it'll happen, but they want it to IOT further an "Assault" weapons ban. It's going to get bad that there will be a reckoning. People will have eyes opened when they realize the left does nothing for them. Once Trump is out of office, they won't have him to kick around anymore so the anger will have to subside and the Dems can't use him as the useful tool to foment riots, hate, anger, division, etc.

  13. Thanks for sounding off, Tuna! I am right in there with you. This Nation is in a mess and it is going off a "cliff" no matter who is elected this fall; one will stall the decline while the other will accelerate it. I fear that we will be in a(n) (un-)civil war in 12 months.

  14. You have LOTS of company, Tuna. You are not alone.

    1. Oh, I know, but we seem to be a bit powerless against the evil.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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