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However it has one amenity that I have yet to use. Well, use intentionally that is.
'Tis a bidet.
This is not the traditional French standalone bidet but is of the "convert your toilet to a combo toilet/bidet" set up. It's very nice, the thing I like about it is the heated seat, very nice in the dead of winter it is.
However ...
So Monday night, The Missus Herself taps me on the shoulder, awakening me from "almost asleep" to something approaching consciousness.
"Umph, er, whazzup?"
"I think I left the rice cooker on."
Checking my watch, I see that it is past midnight.
"And you want me to do what at this hour?"
"Um, just thought you wanted to know."
Well honestly, I did not.
Now normally the rice cooker is pretty much on all of the time. I mean it's used to cook the rice, then maintain the rice in an edible condition for a few days. (Before marrying The Missus Herself I had no idea these things existed, having grown up on Minute Rice and Uncle Ben's - the rice cooker version of rice is, in my opinion, far superior.)
So to my half asleep mind, this did not seem like such a bad thing, I mean we're only gone for a week, right?
Then, as I tried in desperation to return to sleep, many horrid scenarios began to play out in my tired head. Ranging from the house burning down, to the kitchen smelling like burned rice for eternity, to the optimum scenario of nothing happening at all.
Needless to say, my sleep was fitful for the remainder of the night.
Around 0530 local I awakened to answer the call of Nature. Upon taking a seat (my aim ain't what it used to be) my brain said, "Hhmm, why isn't the seat warm?"
Reaching down for the controller (bear in mind, I'm half-asleep and not wearing my spectacles) I press something, hear a noise coming from beneath me, then the next thing I know ...
My butt is being "entertained" by a stream of warm water. Not an unpleasant sensation by any means, however it was rather, shall we say "unexpected."
Now I had no idea that the controller could be detached from its wall-mounted position. The one I was used to had a remote control thingie that sat in its own holder on the wall. The new one appears to be permanently affixed to the wall.
At some point in the process, my brain awakened. Though still distracted by the continuing stream of warm water against my nether regions, as it were, I eventually worked out, logically, that as the controls could not be seen or understood from the wall mount, it must somehow be detachable.
Carefully, not wanting to damage Tuttle's fine work in installing the new bidet seat, I gently pulled on the unit, which separated cleanly from the wall. Now that I could actually see the controls I managed to stop the water and turn the seat heat back on.
After that I returned to bed, to remember the original reason for me not sleeping. So I sent my next door neighbor a text asking if she would be so kind as to proceed to my dwelling and ascertain whether or not the rice cooker was indeed on. If it was, would she be so kind as to simply unplug it? Though there are clear instructions on the unit telling one how to switch it off, the aforementioned instructions are in Korean.
My neighbor doesn't speak Korean.
Later I heard back, the rice cooker had indeed been on, and was now unplugged. Not in an MTV sort of way but in a disconnected from a power source sort of way.
I lost sleep but on the upside, I now know how the bidet works.
Kinda cool.
Editor's Note: I do have a new vignette in mind but it involves war and I'm feeling rather peaceful these days. Not ready to write about war and death at this point in time. I'm sure I'll get back to it. Just not today.
we splurged and got a TOTO
ReplyDeletenow dogs no longer smell my ---
Poor dogs ...
ReplyDeleteOh, Now THAT was hilarious! Got my day started with a good chuckle!!! Thanks.
It was rather funny, once I knew what was happening.
DeleteHeh.....heh.....heh......heh.......warm water beats cold water any day of the week Sarge. Let's hear it for good neighbors also!
ReplyDeleteWater temperature is adjustable. Which is good.
DeleteMy wife bought a bidet when she broke her shoulder & hand, I like it.
ReplyDeleteI like the concept.
DeleteThere are stories of the head in WW2 subs. Before sanitary holding tanks, there was an intricate series of valves to open and close when using. A new crewman would be given slightly wrong instructions, and someone would wait outside so the boat didn't sink. The victim's bottom would be douched with a sudden column of ice-cold seawater pouring through a valve open to the sea.
DeleteIt was so nice of her to transfer her worry over to you so she could get a good night's sleep!
ReplyDeleteI once discovered that your hand can handle a much higher temperature than the other parts of your body. I haven't used a bidet since.
That's what I thought.
DeleteYes, the hands are poor judges of temperature.
(In groggy mumbly voice)"Huh? We brought the rice cooker? Why?"(mumble, snort SNORE)
ReplyDeleteI've never experienced a bidet of any sort. Seems just one more thing to have break.
Well, technology, so yes, one more thing to break.
DeleteBeing a thrifty, Yankee type, I turn the furnace down when going to bed. After all I have flannel sheets, wool blankets and a thick down puff. So I am lovely warm in bed. When it is cold outside, especially in the mid-teens down to zero range, it does take a minute to gather my ambition to get out of bed and go sit on the very cold toilet seat. Even with my bladder issuing orders to git a move on PDQ. Having a heated seat...hmmm...didn't realize that such a thing was made.
ReplyDeleteGotta ask...is the water heated too? Cause I took care of patients who had DIY convertible regular toilet to bidet set-ups, and one of them was a crusty old farmer (my favorite kind) who really didn't like using it as the water was "damn cold", but his granddaughter had obtained it and had her husband install it. She was an Occupational Therapy gal, very good at her job, and, shall we say persistent in her effort to get Grandpa to use it. Me, personally, not really up to pouring cold water all over my butt...but if it was heated...maybe??
On another note, I sit here this morning, sipping my cup of tea, looking out the window at the snow flakes fluffing down to add to the roughly 3 inches there is already out there...smiling...knowing I do NOT have to go drive anyplace today in this.
No, I am not tired of being retired!!! At all!!!!
Heated water? Yes, the seat too. Weird at first, it adds an extra minute of just sitting to the process but it does a good job... I'm thinking about getting one for the other toilet in the house.
DeleteSuz - We keep the house fairly "cool" to save money as well.
DeleteIsn't fun being retired and watching it snow on a workday? Priceless!
Rob - The unit the kids have has a heated seat and you can adjust the water temperature and flow. Really nice.
DeleteWill have to stop by Lowes/Home Depot and check it out then. Sitting on a cold seat is enough of a wake-up in the morning, don't want anything else!! Thanks!!!
DeleteLearn ALL SORTS of things on this blog!!!
We like to think of ourselves as a "full service" blog.
DeleteADM Rickover reportedly said "Learn from the mistakes of others, you won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
ReplyDeleteThanks for the bidet lesson, and thus no need to experience same.
There are some surprises which are not pleasant!
DeleteHahaha! The war can wait! This was a much better "aside story"
I thought it might amuse the readers. I guess I was right.
DeleteCrusty Old TV Tech here. When but a teenage redneck lad, upon travelling on a Student Exchange trip to Guatemala, I encountered something in the banyo (no tilde in this version of webpage, apologies to the Real Academia). I asked what this toilet looking thingy with a flat bottom was, and my Guate pal said, with a completely straight face, "para lavar caras" (face washer). Ah, the joys of cultural exchange! On another note, my pal later introduced me to the Base Commander, so no grudges held there!