Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Can I Get That With Extra Freedom?

OAFS Photos
On the left is "Work Sarge," on the right is "Retired Sarge." While they are both old photos, not taken on the same day or even in the same place (though I am wearing the same shirt in both ...), both represent certain aspects of my personality.

Sort of ...

Though I could get intense at work (just ask Liz, though she might say that "intense" is just a different spelling of "asshole" - and she wouldn't be wrong) I am, underneath it all, a cuddly old teddy bear. (In the photo on the left, in the background over my left shoulder, is a panda. I've had him since I was nobbut a sprout, a very long time indeed!) The photo on the right, that's closest to my "real" personality. For whatever that's worth.

I've been having trouble forcing myself to sit down and write. Couldn't figure it out at first, then I realized what it was.

I was free.

Free to do whatever I want. (Within reason, of course.)

But I can write, or not write, I'm on my schedule now.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy writing and I'll be getting back to it soon.

But I've been out of harness for a few weeks now, the first few, well, that was just an extended Christmas vacation. Now I'm just free, free as the wind.

That will take some getting used to.

But I'm getting there.

Believe me, that picture on the right, well, that's how I'm feeling these days.

Happy and ready for whatever lies ahead.

Can't believe I waited this long.

1 comment:

  1. Eh.....don't spend much time dwelling on what "I could have done" regarding pulling the pin Sarge, enjoy going to bed when YOU want, getting up when YOU want (maybe when the ole body says), scratching where and when you want (did I say that?) get the idea. That feeling is the reward for the decades of service/work. Welcome to the official rank of "Old Fart". .......:)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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