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"Damn it, Gentile, you gotta get lower than that!"
Flavio Gentile grimaced, he didn't think he could get any lower, but damn it, he'd try. As he crawled, lower still, he could hear the zip and whiz of the machine gun rounds whipping by above his head.
The point of the training was two-fold, first it was to induce stress in the men, get them as used to being shot at without actually endangering them. Secondly, assess their agility and ability to function under fire. Again, without actually being under fire.
Some armies trained with live ammunition, he'd been told. Every hundredth round was live, so he'd been told. Recruits actually died in those armies during training, shot by their own during field exercises.
Just as he was reaching the end of the low crawl course, a nearby explosion made him freeze in place. Another recruit, not thinking, jumped up to get away from the blast.
"Cease fire! Cease fire! Goddammit, cease fire!" A number of the drill instructors were screaming at the machine gun team, who had tried to cease firing as soon as they'd seen the recruit jump up. Far too late for the recruit in question.
"Geez Stephen, what are we going to do when we meet the enemy, march around in formation and impress them with our snap?"
Hernandez chuckled, "From what I understand, Juan, it's meant to instill discipline in us and teach us to respond instantly to orders. Even the Germans and the Japanese march around in training, every army worth its salt does it."
The two men had survived the march back from the field problem, now they were drilling not far from the barracks. Left, right, left, platoon halt, platoon march, column left, column right, it was getting so that Hernandez could march in his sleep and stay in formation. It was becoming second nature to him.
"Hernandez! Your other left! Wake the f**k up, recruit!"
Well, almost second nature.
Oskar Olson, late of the Royal Norwegian Army, now a member of Number 5 Troop of Number 10 Commando, was a happy man. After all the screening and investigating of the British which followed after he'd escaped from Norway, they had actually found a Norwegian officer who could positively identify Olson and vouch for him.
The commando training was brutal. Upon arrival at the train station, somewhere in Scotland, Olson wasn't sure where, the recruits had been marched eleven kilometers to where they would begin their training.
It rained a lot and the training was intense. Calisthenics, field problems, learning to read maps and terrain, training on all sorts of weapons, it never seemed to stop. Officers and men trained together, side by side, the instructors treated them all the same, with no mercy.
"Mercy will get you killed you fat Norwegian bastard!" Olson recalled a sergeant screaming at him when he had stopped to help another recruit over a difficult obstacle. "Move, move, move, if the bastard can't keep up, we don't bloody want him in the commandos!"
They even used live ammunition in training exercises, move wrong, stop paying attention, and you could wind up very dead.
But Olson revelled in the training. He couldn't wait to get back to Norway and kill Germans.
Von Lüttwitz stirred, he had been sleeping very deeply, had been dreaming of home, when one of his men started shaking him.
"Wha .. what is it?"
"The Ivans, Sir, they're attacking. Major Hassel wants us in the line!"
Von Lüttwitz dressed, grabbed his gear, and got his wits about him. "Alright lads, don't panic, get your gear and fall out in the trench. Anyone seen Oberleutnant Busch?"
A head poked into the dugout, "Come on Jürgen, what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation from Stalin?" Busch looked exhausted. At least that answered the question of where the company commander was.
Von Lüttwitz gasped as he stepped out of the dugout, when the cold air hit his lungs it actually hurt. He tugged his muffler up over his face and breathed shallowly until the air around his nose and mouth warmed up.
Artillery explosions in the near distance made him realize, this was a serious Russian attack. Where had Ivan gotten the ammunition for this?
"Jürgen, take your boys to the left, set up your machine guns to sweep the ground in front of the burned out T-34. Let's go!"
The 5th company commander was already moving. Von Lüttwitz had his men moving as well. Why did the bastards always attack in the dead of night when it was so damned cold?
ONce again you put uis there,
ReplyDeleteWinter is the "secret weapon" of Holy Mother Russia. They have lots of territory. Fall back slowly and pray for a hard winter.
Both Napoléon and Hitler discovered those problems when trying to invade Russia.
DeleteFunny that Holy Mother Russia forgot about winter in its invasion of the Ukraine. Or they were hoping for a short, victorious war.
DeleteMost megalomaniacs think their little invasions will be over by fall.
DeleteThey haven't been right next. Think there'd be a lesson there.
Russia hasn't forgotten about Father Winter, but they did get a little rusty about combat operations. Regarding Russia's SMO into Ukraine, Russia was in no rush after the initial blitz failed. They then figured out they needed to recruit up, build up and train up. Early on Putler was very clear, de-nazifie, demilitarize, de-Natoize Ukraine. The Russia population isn't the same as the 1940's. They and the leadership are "unreasonable" casualty averse. Russia is having no trouble getting contract and volunteer troops. Western propaganda would have us believe that Ukraine is down 50,000-70,000 and that Russia is down a million and on the verge of exhausted, collapse. The Ukraine fits that description along with wholesale desertions. They're doing SO WELL that they need to start drafting 18 year olds to "stabilize" the front so Trump can negotiate from a position of "strength". The Russians MIGHT be down a half million in combined casualties. The Russian economy is growing, not shrinking. They opened up lots of mothballed war factories and repurposed abandoned Western facilities. Their munitions manufacturing far exceeds their expenditures. Not to mention we have NOTHING in the way of impervious hypersonics. We are certainly running out of munitions with no way replenishing them in a timely fashion. We, Nato, Ukraine are losing decisively. I suspect many on our side haven't noticed that our side (deep state) has turned into a Satanic, commie, human/child, slave, trafficking evil empire. If Main Stream Media didn't tell us, then it's all lies and misinformation. It's been a bitter red pill for this patriot (of America, not USA INC.) to come to these conclusions. I'm fine with alternate opinions, because Americans can Unite against (((Them))) and still have significantly differing opinions. You can bet I'll fight against any and all foreign and domestic enemies, just as soon as other patriots also "get the message" and go signal. The first ones "stepping off the porch" will be crushed by Leviathan! Wow, not sure what brought on that rant, maybe I should to step away from the computer and love up my dogs. Pardon my run on paragraph.
DeleteP.S. I know our opinions differ regarding Russia, but I really enjoy, appreciate your writing, ANYWAY(snark).
I'm not sure our opinions diverge by all that much.
DeleteAmerica gearing up for war with "almost real" shooting (notice the wooden support for the MG barrel) during troop training while the Germans run into the real thing in Russia.
ReplyDeleteNote that the real tripod for the gun is there, the wooden support was to keep the gun fixed. Helped keep the weapon firing over the recruits' heads and not into the recruits.
DeleteWhen did Von Lüttwitz become as officer? I can't believe I missed that...
ReplyDeleteHe was promoted in October of 1941, just outside of Leningrad.
DeleteSarge, I think the thing the vignette really drives home for me is the difference in perspective: for the Americans, they are training for something to come. For the Olson and von Luttwitz, this is a thing that has already been happening for over two years.
ReplyDeleteFolks forget that our involvement in World War II was very short compared to that of the other participants.
DeleteShort and bloody, but short nevertheless.
I wonder if Oskar thinks wintertime in Scotland is balmy compared to home? Especially if Oskar comes from the north of Norway.
ReplyDeleteWinters in Scotland can be very wet. Not sure how Olson feels about dry cold versus wet cold. Then again, he's Norwegian, maybe it's all the same to him?
DeleteDepends. Some of the Fjords are quite damp and the cold damp winds blow off the Arctic and Northern Atlantic.
DeleteYup, but where's he from in Norway? I don't know yet.
DeleteSehr gut!
Vielen dank!
DeleteLive fire. Basic training, Ft Leonard Wood, 1963, we had one night where we crawled 100 yards under live fire with lots of barbed wire to wiggle under..
ReplyDeleteWhile having a last name starting in W means you are among the last in the chow line, last in the pay line, and available for short details for NCO's who can't abide soldiers standing around, you do have time to observe. The live fire followed a pattern. Left to right, one machine gun at a time, then all at once. Rinse and repeat.
Brilliant plan. Watch the timing, run between obstacles, crawl under, then repeat. Two things went wrong. First, our training NCOs were lying out there on pieces of plywood and I was recognized. Second, finished among the H-M bunch. Result? Went through the course the next night with another company in the battalion. Their NCO's were briefed about my tricks.
No plan survives contact with the enemy.
DeleteBut ya gotta have tricks.
"Always cheat, always win" say the Boys; doesn't always work, but you'll not convince them of that.
If you're not cheating, you're not trying.