Thursday, January 16, 2025

Retirement, Day 16

OAFS Photo
That opening photo was taken last Saturday, the 11th of January. It wasn't a lot of snow, but so far this year I've seen more snow than last winter. Which I don't mind, seeing as how I don't need to go out in it if I choose not to.

I'm enjoying this retirement thing, probably way more than I should. But heck, I've always been kind of lazy, I'm a "work smarter, not harder" kind of guy. And if you can afford it, why work at all?

I know, I know, gotta stay busy somehow otherwise the mind rots and the body weakens to the point that staying alive isn't really worth it any more.

I've become rather domesticated as of late. Doing laundry, doing dishes, helping out around the house where I can. I mean, I've got the time, don't I?

Wednesday morning (yup, I'm starting to notice that the days tend to blur together, good thing my watch tells me what day it is) The Missus Herself made us a nice breakfast - pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Which gave me another opportunity to try this ...

I tried a dollop on a small bit of pancake (last time I tried it on a small bit of bacon), let's just say, it got my attention. Perhaps a bit much all by itself, so I put regular maple syrup on my pancakes.

The first bite was good, but it was missing something. So I put the Maple Mayhem on with the regular maple syrup, not a lot, just enough to notice. It was good, damn good.

When we finished eating, there was a mess of dishes, pots, pans, and the like, and me having nothing on my calendar thanked The Missus Herself for breakfast and pitched in to clean up without being prompted, without being asked, nope, I just did it.

I mean why should I get to lay about all day? She's earned the right to kick back as well. Heck, if it wasn't for her I don't know where I'd be now. Probably not as well off as I am, provided I was still alive. (I can be pretty stupid on my own, I need what ya might call "adult supervision" from time to time.)

All that being said, I am working on Part 2 of the prequel/prelude to Almost a Lifetime and I'm weighing my publishing options on the latter. Seems Barnes & Noble has a self-publishing thing as does Amazon. Other options might be in play as well. But you'll know when I do which one I go with.

For now I'm enjoying being retired. Doing what I want, when I want.

It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

1 comment:

  1. Took about three years into retirement before I had my first "what day is this?" day....they do have a tendency to blur together. FYI, hit the grocery store during the weekday mornings, fewer working stiffs around.........:)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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