Monday, January 13, 2025

It's another Manic Monday


My apologies to the Bangles.

Well....This was a heck of a week.  Not quite as "heck of a week" as it was from Dallas north to the North Pole, but heckish enough.

Woke up Friday to 33 degrees, a lot of rain and a wind chill in the teens.  Got 2 1/2 inches of rain that day.  Normally, that's a cause for celebration.  We had to wait for that party opportunity while asking the Lord to keep it from freezing.  Nobody and I mean NOBODY, knows how to drive on ice especially not Texans.  Fortunately, the weather guessers had given enough early warning and we had stocked up last Monday.  Went to HEB Friday midmorning for a few "nice to have things" to put on our shelves (that's my secret phrase for Wine).  Suffice it to say there wasn't a lot of food stuff on any of the shelves.

Yes, Beans, there was a good supply of wine.  No beer though, this IS Texas.

Got through Friday and Saturday, didn't have to, nor want to go anywhere.

Sunday, woke up at 6 to go to early Mass (0730), cold as all get out, a little frost on the wind screen, but the roads were dry and ice free.  Not hard to find a pew at church though.  Got out of church and the highly accurate truck thermometer read 45, so maybe the worst has past.

One can hope...and pray!

So, juvat, enough bitchin' about the weather, it sucked all over.

No more weather bitchin' Aye!

We've passed a large stumbling block in the last week or so.  We've hired a broker and have started the process of selling the property.  Mrs J's bout with the Big C was the final straw.  Living in the country with an excellent "See 'em comin'" view was wonderful over the past 25 years. However, the realities of getting older and the potential need to get to a hospital or worse get somebody to come and take you to a hospital in time to make a difference, rules against living in the country.  So...since there are a lot of people moving here from a state out west and seem to have quite a lot of cash they need to invest lest Uncle Sam claim quite a bit of it, we decided to talk to a broker.

We were very surprised (on the happy side) when he quoted what he thought a fair price range would be.  Should that come to fruition, we will be able to afford a bottle of wine or two.  Yes, Doctor H, in moderation, in moderation.

But, we've got a lot of work to do, cleaning junk out of places we had completely forgotten about,  The realtor was quite adept at finding them and pointing them out.  Apparently the reproduction rate of junk is much, much greater than that of Rabbits.  

Quicher Bitchin', juvat!

Enough bitchin', Aye Sarge.

So, we're going to lease a large dumpster (one that gets picked up on the back of a truck) and start loading it up.  Maybe we should also hire an archeologist in case we've got some ancient Incan artifacts, who knows?

The other, equally big and time consuming, project is what are we going to move into?  We intend to move to the College Station area, which is about 200 miles east of our current location.  MBD, The Rev, MG and Leon' live there.  That's the Family we need to be close to, just in case.  (Little J, LJW and Miss B are stationed overseas, so not an option.). We'd like to be somewhat out of the city, but not too far.  We'd also like to have a bit of acreage so we can keep the horses, as well as the 5 dogs and two cats.

To complicate matters, there's probably going to need to be an interim rental house to live in between selling (and more importantly closing on) our current house and closing on our new property.  The 2 horses, 5 dogs and two cats gang also adds to that complication.

So...a lot of pondering gonna go on as we get ready for this transition.

It also seems like PCS'ing in the Military was a heckuva lot easier than moving as a civilian.  I could be wrong, but it sure doesn't seem like I am.


Just because I know this guy and sang a lot of his songs, including this one, as a member of the Juvat Boys Choir. That famed (maybe infamous) organization provided musical entertainment/roasting at going away dinners at Kunsan.  Good Times!

So, for your musical enjoyment, "Ain't no Fighter Pilots down in Hell" By Dick Jonas. Enjoy!

Peace out y'all!


  1. People that grew up in Atlanta do everything possible to not drive in the snow. But there are the transplant dummies from New England who are convinced they can drive in the Atlanta snow with their cars that have "Summer" rated tires. The roads are rarely plowed and have an asphalt designed for summer heat that gets slick with snow and ice. Any snow in the ATL is not a good thing.

    1. TSquared, I feel your pain, my Friend. I’ve lived in several climates. Haven’t seen any (including Hawaii, torrential rains) that relieved the driver from the responsibility to drive carefully. Learned that at about 17 when I had my first, and last at fault accident. Been hit a couple of times, fortunately no injuries.
      I think, we can safely expand your last sentence by replacing “ in ATL” with “ South of the Mason Dixon line” maybe even with “on the Planet”.
      Just say’in

  2. Reality can suck sometimes, can't it? You think that you're all settled in until the End of Days and then a reality cheque gets cashed and you find that you need to be somewhere else. Maybe God's way of keeping us humble.

    1. Joe,
      Quite possibly. The Lord is quite talented at that task.

  3. I am sorry you are losing your ranch, but understand why you are moving to town. Give Schmedley a big hug, as she rides with you, to your new digs .

    1. StB,
      I prefer to think of it as “Handing it over to someone who can take better care of it than us anymore”. But there is a tinge of sadness about the project. Hugs for alcon will be administered. Well, maybe just a pat for the horses.

  4. Aye.....this is one Northerner that knows that nobody can drive on ice no matter what your self-appointed skill level is. When it comes to moving, junk is a four letter word......good luck with the logistics of the upcoming move especially with the four-legged members of the clan juvat........:) Urban centers are where the hospitals are.

    1. Nylon, yep. Even if YOU have a modicum of ice driving skill, you can bet your bottom dollar the driver who is closing fast on your six does not!

  5. There is nothing good to be said about ice anywhere but in a drink, especially not on the roads! You know, I think you could replace "ice" with "moving" and still have the correct sentiment!
    I understand the moving closer to services & family, best of luck!

    1. Rob, Good point! I shouldn’t have denigrated the whole Ice clan for the actions of some.
      Cheers, ( soft sound of glasses clinking).

  6. Juvat - Glad you came out okay. Rain and snow (to some extent) I can deal with; ice is another story.

    I completely understand your decision (I support it too, not that you needed that from me). Looking at the experience of my own parents and my aunt and uncle being out in the country over the past years really gave me a lot to think about, especially with things like health coverage and family access. Having a lot of the same sorts of thoughts and struggles - including the "How did all this stuff get here"? (On behalf of rabbits, I assure you junk reproduces more quickly).

    Best of luck. Here is to an easy cleanup, a quick and profitable transaction, and paid movers.

  7. I used to go to CLL once every so often. I installed a translator and tower up there in '94-ish. Much younger man then. I remember some smaller towns out west of there that looked interesting. YMMV.

    Ice is no fun. I remember driving in the ditch to make it up a slight hill once upon a time. The ice on the road was just too slick, but the ditch was fine!

    I hate moving. Especially after a two decade stop. Good luck and Godspeed.

  8. Hell, even tanks slide on ice. You cannot, repeat cannot, drive on ice. One can only avoid ice (except in drinks of course.)

    I can't get my head around you guys leaving the ranch behind but times and circumstances change and we can but adapt.

    Good luck with all this, hopefully things work out. Prayers for the juvat clan!

    1. I thought the same about him leaving the ranch when he first mentioned the idea some Mondays ago, but seeing how my MIL is struggling, I realize it's better to make that decision before it's a mandatory decision.

      Best of luck with the horses Juvat- that's not an easy chore as you get older. If you ride them- good on you. If they are just large expensive pets, I understand the burden/loving commitment of ownership.

  9. Onward with new challenges. Improvise, adapt and overcome. You guys can do it.

    Might want to take a realistic look at the necessity of being close to the equine members of the family. They probably add the most complications to your search for new quarters.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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