Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Man, I Really Am Lazy ...

OAFS Photo
Had snow Sunday night, three to four inches was my estimate. (Don't look at the deck railings, the wind normally cuts that down by an inch or so.) It was warm, then it got cold, it was raining, then it was snowing.

Luckily enough, our house has a southern exposure so I didn't need to shovel the driveway, the good Lord cleaned that out for me with the rays of the sun. It stayed in the 20s all day but the sun plus the underlying blacktop in the driveway was enough to clean that out.

All I had to do was shovel the deck off (mostly to make a path for the oilman) and clean the cars off. The sun had done a lot of work on the cars but the north-facing portions still had a good four inches in place.

The snow came off fairly easily, only the bit closest to the skin of the vehicles was icy. But once the outer layer was brushed away, the sun helped melt that.

As I was traipsing about cleaning off the vehicles, I noticed that my right foot felt cold. Which seemed odd, until I looked down and saw that the outer layer (a plastic/rubber mix) had cracked and about two square inches of material was gone. The liner was still intact, but the snow directly on that made my foot notice.

That sucked. I've had those boots for 12 years or more, so one might think I got some good use out of them. Considering that I've only worn them maybe five or six times though, I didn't really. Oh well, time to get new ones. (One of the things I dislike about synthetic materials is that they seem to deteriorate over time. Maybe I'll get some old school boots this time.)

Watched professional playoff games Saturday and Sunday, two of the games were played in snowy weather (Philadelphia mostly, some in Buffalo) which I enjoy. After all, football should be played out in the elements. I've played in mud, snow, and rain. Sometimes a mixture of all three. Sigh, I get domed stadiums, people like to be comfortable. But it leads to weakness. At least I think so.

College playoff game Monday night, I have no dog in that hunt but as I've always had to work the next day, I've never watched one. That changes this year.

Do I miss working?


Not a bit.

See you soon.


  1. Do you have Tractor Supply in RI? I got a real good pair of insulated Wellies there

  2. Flex Seal to the rescue if the tread is still good.

    -6 here this am. Pretty brisk to be watering and feeding the birds. Even with a heated waterer you need to help them in the AM.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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