Sunday, January 19, 2025

Breakfast With Tom

OAFS Photo
The prediction for tonight is snow, Saturday evening it was rain, lots of rain. It's New England, who knows what the weather will do?

It's been bone cold for a few days, the precipitation usually brings warmer temps along the coast. Usually, sometimes it doesn't and we get the white stuff.

We shall see.

Before I retired, a good buddy of mine and I swore to get together for breakfast at least once a month. That happened Saturday morning and it was great.

My buddy, I'll call him Tom (for that's his name), and I have known each other for a few years, we work in different fields at my old company, but our paths crossed for quite a while over the last couple. Great guy, we have a lot in common, particularly music.

Though I had to break stride and get up early on Saturday, it was worth it. Great breakfast, great conversation, and a lot of laughs.

There are other former colleagues who have expressed an interest in joining us for breakfast and I really hope they do. I don't miss the work all that much (okay, maybe a little on some days) but there are people I worked with that I miss, a lot in some cases.

We'll see how that goes.

I'm working on a few things. First priority (when I'm not doing whatever I want, which I enjoy) is looking at publishing Almost a Lifetime. I'm looking at both Barnes & Noble and Amazon for the moment. Beans mentioned Raconteur Press the other day, thing is, they don't publish novels, yet. Apparently they want to start that this year. We shall see.

I'm also going through the Prequel/Prelude Part I to bring myself up to speed to write Part II, which you've been getting a taste of, there will be more. In order to write Part II, I need to refresh my memory from Part I. It's slow, because I like re-reading large chunks when all I really need to do is read a couple of paragraphs.

That's why I'd make a terrible baker, I'd sample everything I baked and wind up with no product. I mean YMMV, but I like what I wrote. (If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this.)

The NFL playoffs continue, so I continue to watch. Speaking of playoffs (Jim Mora echoes in my mind) this year I will actually watch the NCAA football championship game as I don't have to work the next day. This will be a first. Looking forward to it.

Until then, stay frosty.

Back to the game, er, the book, I mean the book.

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