Saturday, January 25, 2025


Roughly seven and a half hours from Little Rhody to Annapolis. Right into the glare of the winter sun. Had to hose down the optical sensors a couple of times, they dry out a lot in the sun. But thanks to modern medicine, they are okay.

Traffic was moderate, there were, aber natürlich, a few idiots on the road, but fewer than I expected.

Thank the Lord for small favors.

Anyhoo, we're in place for Finnegan's birthday celebration, none the worse for wear.

However, Roberto has been beating on me like a rented mule.

He enjoys it and I'll heal.

Love those lads.

More later, maybe.

After all ...

I am retired.


  1. Sarge,
    Glad you had a safe and (mostly) uneventful trip. Say hello to the gang for us and have fun.

    Ain’t retirement grand? Don’t you wish you coulda started sooner?


    1. All things considered, I think I retired at exactly the right time.

  2. When the grandlads are down for a nap, put the feet up and enjoy a cold one Sarge, retirement is what you earned.........:)

    1. They're remorseless, they never sleep, they have no fear. They just keep coming.

  3. Fortunately by the time your healing powers diminish, he will have ceased beating on you!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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