Friday, January 31, 2025

At a Loss ...

Politics, I despise politics.

Everything in the news is politicized, or so it seems.

A horrible tragedy Wednesday night, a small commercial airliner collides with an Army helicopter, at night, both aircraft are destroyed. It appears that all the souls on board both aircraft are lost. Dead in the night in a fiery crash which ends in the cold waters of the Potomac.

Then the idiots (on both sides) start baying as to how this is some politician's fault.

Someone made a mistake, yes. But was it the air traffic controllers on the ground? Was it the people operating the two aircraft? I don't know, hopefully the NTSB will be able to determine that and at some point in the future institute some safeguard to prevent this particular scenario from happening again.

But you can't completely prevent mishaps. You just can't.

No matter how sophisticated the equipment, no matter how sophisticated the software controlling that equipment, and no matter how well-trained the aircrew, sometimes it just boils down to this ...

"Shit happens."

And when it does, people die, as in this case. Was this mishap preventable? Maybe, but as long as humans are in the equation things like this will occur.

People have lapses in judgement, people get distracted, people get tired, people miss  small details, there are a thousand things which can go wrong. That we don't have more accidents like this is something to think about.

Better equipment? Better software? Better procedures? Sure, those might help. Remember though, people put all that together. People.

Folks, we're the common denominator, there is no "they."

Pray for those who were lost. Pray for those families who will be in mourning. Pray for the sanity and the well-being of the first responders. Pray that it doesn't happen again.

But for God's sake leave politics out of it.

I cannot believe this crap.

/rant ...


  1. I am going to refrain from judgement, until we know what actually happened.

  2. I was the recipient of some highly critical political comments on a post regarding the crash. I said nothing about politics when posting so I became very irritated at the person who spewed TDS rhetoric. After my criticism she deleted all the comments. They had hijacked my post anyway so good riddance. It was a tragic accident that will likely place blame on multiple parties. And I doubt either administration will be named as a causal factor in the mishap report.

  3. Well said. Not everything has to be about politics.

  4. It is about impossible to get away from politics today if you are connected to what's happening these days. Used to be you watched the evening news or the morning newspaper... With modern technology those days are gone and the stakes have gone up.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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