Thursday, January 30, 2025

Being Lazy

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It's something I'm good at, being lazy that is. Been doing it for a while now and have perfected my technique to almost the level of an art form.

Which is another way of saying that while down here in Maryland, on what is, in effect, a vacation, I am having serious motivational issues.

All I want to do is eat, sleep, and play with my grandsons. They seem to appreciate it.

I have a very long list of things I want to do when I get back to Little Rhody. Most of which involve board gaming. I have a crap ton of new games which I purchased while still gainfully employed. I call it my retirement project. This one (below) will require the most work:

It is one of the many expansion modules of Commands & Colors: Napoleonics from GMT Games. I bought the original set probably more than five years ago. I haven't had the time nor the opportunity to start it. Now I do. As I also bought all, repeat all, of the expansion kits, I have my work cut out for me.

For each of the pieces you see on the map above is a wooden block, upon which one must place two stickers (one front, one back) which denotes the unit type (infantry, artillery, cavalry). I need to do that. With something like six of those kits (each with a large number of blocks), that's a lot of work.

Perhaps I'll affix stickers while listening to an audio book, which John Blackshoe recommends for long drives. I figure that would work here as well.

Another project is this:

I have the French, the British, and the Prussian starter army kits, plus quite a few supplementary kits (Highlanders, 95th Rifles, Imperial Guard, plus extra cavalry). Those are all mini-figures which need to be separated from their sprues and attached to their bases. Ideally I would paint them as well. I still might do that.

So things to do, I have them.

First and foremost though is squaring away the computer room. The Missus Herself has set a very high priority on that one.

For once, I agree.

Besides which, I need the space.

For gaming.

Until then, I shall lead the life of a grandpa. It's a good gig if you can get it!


  1. No painting thousands of 15mm or 25mm lead soldiers? What fun is that?!?!?! LOL!

    1. Didn't say I won't, just saying not right now.

  2. I've been rereading your pre story (to one one you're doing now) and as I go from "Newer Post" to "Newer Post" I zip past posts that are not the story. One of those I went by was were you talked about these games you were collecting for after you retire... It's good to see you remembered!
    Have fun with the grandkids!!

    1. The pile they make in the computer room makes them hard to forget!

  3. Hey! GMT Games, a worthy successor to Simulations Publications, Inc. as are several others, not a bad way to toss your ducats around Sarge. Ask me how I know.....:)

  4. "Lazy" is sort of pejorative.
    Perhaps something more like "unconventional time allocation."

    Whatever, it's YOUR time, and your imaginary friends don't get a vote on how you CHOOSE to use it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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